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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Exactly - Kaufman's whole thing was about challenging accepted notions of what constituted "entertainment." It's not as if he dabbled with this kind of thing: confusing appearances. My favorite Kaufman appearance on Letterman was when he came on dressed as a nigh-naked swami, then proceeded to sing a Slim Whitman song in a perfectly beautiful falsetto voice.
  2. potentially career damaging? Put "joaquin phoenix strange" into a google search and look at how many editorials/blogs/opinion pieces have been written about his letterman interview. Nobody was talking about him a month ago. However, I do remember a story about him on a red carpet a year or two ago, that he was mumbling incoherently about his eyelids or something else equivalently strange... I think the simple explanation is: The dude likes to party with hallucinogenics. I wouldn't mind taking shrooms before my Letterman appearance either... Regardless if this is an "act" or not, it pla
  3. I've always wondered who pays the big bucks to see Madonna... She just prances around whilst lipsynching, no?
  4. Dave Chappelle lost his mind and went completely off the deep end? Did I miss something? Or is that phrase meant to be synonymous with "went to South Africa for a while?"
  5. brilliant? If only my mumbling and disinterest were labelled as such. At least Borat and Colbert are entertaining...
  6. exactly. to the bejeezus, or perhaps tripping balls.
  7. Cept, Brother Theodore had his shtick, which was planned. Glover was freaky and flakey - maybe not so planned... (at least I'm pretty sure David didn't like Crispin's boot coming within an inch of his face) Joaquin was merely boring and stoned...
  8. Just picked up their Age of Winters album, and am digging it.
  9. Never a dude like this one! He's got a plan to stick it to The Man! All He Needed Was One Last Deal...
  10. I used to hate Bird, mainly because he was so ugly. His Celtics teams are some of the ugliest of all time. Dennis Johnson? McHale? There are some cocky athletes I love (McEnroe, Wallinheimo - anyone remember him? Denver Pioneers goalie of the early 90s - what a fantastic flake), some I hate (Shaq, Jeremy Roenick) and others there's a love/hate thing going on (Patrick Roy, Favre)... I don't know what the common factor is that turns my opinion one way or the other.
  11. I've seen him a couple times around town since I moved to Milwaukee a couple years ago. He dresses like a bum, and uses a little plastic MLB bag as his murse.
  12. Why is that solely the fault of the scuffed ball and not the fault of shitty lighting? The event took place at twilight - who knows if he would have been able to see a white ball? Were there any more beanballs thrown that night? Have beanballs disappeared since this pitch was outlawed?
  13. ah. Well, anyway... I think the REAL clues you're requiring are an impossibility, unless you have a lab set up with a control group and are able to clone a player to see what he's like on roids versus what he's like on Wheaties. MLB should use the same anti-doping laws that are akin to the strictest ones out there, which I'm assuming are ones put forth by the International Olympics Committee, which I'm assuming would put amphetamines on the same punishment level as steroids. The biggest problem is that MLB and the MLBPA have no intent on killing the golden goose. I'm sure that Selig
  14. "Not having any clue" is really a stretch. If nobody had a clue, and it was just a chaotic result, why would players be tempted to take it? They have quite a good clue. Steroids makes you stronger - far stronger than you would on weights and nutrition alone. Being stronger means you have higher bat speed. Higher bat speed means when you make contact the ball leaves your bat at a higher speed. Balls leaving the bat at a higher speed travel farther than balls leaving the bat at a lower speed. Balls leaving the bat with higher speed means that hits that would have otherwise been caught at the w
  15. Than ANY other form of cheating? How's this? Scuffing a ball can be limited to one pitch - one play. If the ump wants to insert a new game ball he can. You can't limit steroids usage to one play - the player has altered his physique in a way that cannot be reversed. Is steroids the WORST form of cheating? doubtful. Is it the least harmful? doubtful - we're talking about single-season records that are tainted here. But certainly you can agree that there are various levels of cheating. Jaywalking isn't as bad as running a red light in a car.
  16. I had a Big Jim doll back in the day, which I think was a derivative of GI Joe. He had a karate chop and a karate studio - complete with break-apart boards for him to smash his manly fist through...
  17. The air you're sucking in starts with the open bowl, then down a tube that ends up below the water's surface. The tube that's connected to the mouthpiece connects to the hookah above the water. In order for the air to get to the mouthpiece-tube, it has to pass through water - thus, the bubbles. A hookah is kind of like a reverse-constructed bong - the bowls and mouthpieces of each are in the opposite positions.
  18. People once named him one of the 50 most beautiful people, so he's got that going for him.
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