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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Yes, but the difference is that I would fully expect to be reprimanded about my casual racism, and I would not get defensive, or tell the potential offendee to "lighten up and take a joke."
  2. Probably a little of both? You just made up those names though, right? If you do have black friends, you probably take due care in not offending them, and know what their racial hot buttons are? Full disclosure: I'm not completely PC myself: Here's a story for you. In a tasteless way, (and I blame my mom, who is where I get the term from) I used to call those cheap 5 for $1 grocery store Ramen kits: "chinky soup" (no need for anyone here to lecture me - I know it's wrong and offensive). One day, in the grocery store, my wife and I split up to get things done faster. I'm in one aisle, she's
  3. You and I both know you're not going to a party where this scenario would play out.
  4. The part in bold is the whole point. There was a recent segment on the Samantha Bee show - where her colleague, who is black, went to a GOP/Trump convention (could have been the RNC, I don't remember), and a white woman was relaying the same frustration about being PC that you describe above - that she didn't know which term to use: African American, Black, Afro American, Negro... The reporter kindly suggested "You could ask me which term I prefer" and the woman asked her "Which term do you prefer?" And the reporter said "I like the term "Black", and then they both smiled and hugged.
  5. The better response of your friend, instead of "reading the riot act" to someone he just offended, would have been "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you by the term I used. What term would you prefer?" Instead, he just tried to prove to the offendee that he wasn't offensive by pulling in a 3rd party for his opinion. That's essentially what mansplaining is: "Let me explain to you why you shouldn't be offended." It doesn't need to be a minefield. One-on-one communication goes a long way.
  6. As I read this, I keep hearing Bill Murray's chant from Meatballs: It just doesn't matter! It just doesn't matter! It just doesn't matter! I think Trump was right when he said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any support.
  7. Along these lines - over the last year or so - I've heard from Trump and his followers that they're sick of the whole Political Correctness thing. But what does that exactly mean? They want to call brazil nuts "nigger toes" again without someone finding offense? They want to be able to say "he jewed me" when they get ripped off? All political correctness is - is having respect for fellow human beings, and being aware that certain language would probably be offensive. So, by all means, if you don't want to be politically correct, then go for it. But what you don't get to decide is what offend
  8. Look, I know the commenter is an easy target, and doesn't come off as too intelligent, but what scares me is that there's an army of them that agree with the commenter
  9. This comment, from a story that I clicked on from the drudge report, has 179 thumbs ups: What puzzles me - and I'm fine with people saying they don't trust Hillary. There's plenty of reasons to back up someone's distrust of her. But what puzzles me is when someone can't apply that same due diligence to Trump.
  10. Of the many puzzling Donald things last night, the one that stood out to me was his triumphant (to him, seemingly) response to Hillary's comment about his housing discrimination lawsuits he faced in the 70s. "We settled those cases with no admission of guilt!" be beamed. Um, Donald, that's NOT a good outcome, no matter how you spin it. A good outcome would have been for you to have won those trials, or to have had those cases dismissed for lack of evidence. Settling those cases means you looked at the possible outcomes, and you decided that settling them out of court was the best possible
  11. So, he's voting based on a proposed law that will affect only the top 1%. Must be nice.
  12. I think it was definitely related to Preibus reminding all those pricks that they made a pledge to get behind the eventual candidate. I think that reminder included not-so-subtle threats that if they expected the GOP to work for them in the future, they better live up to their pledges today.
  13. That link quickly switches into some kind of Walmart gift card site, so I'm staying away. But before the bait and switch, I saw that it was some kind of Nuge endorsement. FUCK YEAH THE NUGE! Cat Scratch Fever, zow zow ziaoww...
  14. I'm still trying to figure out how this is someone's actual name.
  15. cool. Awesome write up. I can never get enough of fan write-ups of Dead shows.
  16. I get that there's a sizable chunk of the population who hate the elites / career politicians / wall street bankers, etc. But, can someone explain the logic to me that the one person who is literally the poster child of the type of effete and impudent snob that we all should be angry about - someone who has built his career on shitting on the little guy - that's the Moses to lead us to the promised land? Where were all these people when Nader was running? Oh yeah, Nader's a decent ethical guy who stands up to corruption, including racism and sexism.
  17. Now, see, Brent's sound in this show is awesome. I love it. I'd be interested to know when the plinkity shit started infiltrating his keyboards.
  18. It's definitely rigged if Donald has to participate in a debate while he's also under "concentrated Satanic attack." Wow, even Satan is against Donald? That's saying something.
  19. The one thing that turned the tide for me, as far as being more than comfortable in voting for Clinton, is all her work she's done for children's legal rights. The first job she took after graduating from Yale Law School was to work for the Children's Defense Fund. That was enough to convince me.
  20. except that Jimmy Fallon isn't a journalist. He's a muppet.
  21. Speaking of different rules, it's this kind of shit that would sink any other candidate, but for reasons I can't explain, Trumps poll numbers only get higher. Could some debate moderator PLEASE HOLD HIS FEET TO THE FIRE on this shit? Hillary already went to "trial" over her e-mails and Benghazi, and they didn't come away with shit. I'm still waiting for ANYONE to get answers from The Donald. As an aside: It makes me laugh that some people are pissed that Jimmy Fallon cozied up to Trump. That's like reading a headline that we're pissed that Kermit the Frog didn't ask Trump tougher question
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