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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. What will be the end result of having Donald's hypocrisy pointed out to his supporters? My thesis is that it will have no effect. The other day a couple Jehovah's Witnesses were standing by the bike-rack at my Metra station. They asked if I wanted to talk about Jesus. I put up my hand and said "sorry, former Catholic, current Atheist", and they backed off with a laugh. They knew they didn't stand a chance. Some people are not convert-able. I think Drumpf supporters are not convert-able. Depends on whom he's being condescending to. White men? nah.
  2. I think that anyone that's UNDECIDED is unconcerned with policy. Or, if an UNDECIDED voter is concerned about policy, they must have not taken the time to figure it out. Then again, if someone hasn't taken the time to figure out a candidate's policy, it's probably because it's not an overriding issue to them. Here's a paraphrased recap: Passenger Sid: I'm undecided because Hillary sure seems to be a condescending asshole. Ditty: You should vote based on judicial appointments. There's not a single thing in this election more important. JFF: Absolutely. Me: Why would a person who is undeci
  3. Do tell - Were you there? The setlist looks strong. I will have to check it out.
  4. I get the notion of "the person who is president has significant sway over the tenor of the nation via judicial appointments" but I also think it's nigh impossible to predict or analyze how a president's nominations are going to play out. It's a guessing game. That's especially true for Federal judges, where appointments are generally given by a state's senator anyway. If you think the president personally vets the judges for open Federal seats, then you're deluding yourself. There's a lot of give and take to judicial appointments. A President merely nominates them. The Senate either blocks it
  5. Would be interesting to see stories on bands that willingly and knowingly violated their radius clauses, and what the outcomes were.
  6. We can make both a priority, but making judge selection as the ONLY consideration for voting for a president, rather than policy platforms, seems a little, as you put it, THICK. If a person can't be bothered to research a candidate's policy (and actually, if someone can't decide between Hillary or Donald at this point, then obviously they don't give a shit about policy and are more about the CULT OF PERSONALITY) what makes you think they'll care about the judges they're going to nominate?
  7. If the criteria is judge selection, then shouldn't we be putting priority on who we're electing to the Senate?
  8. If one of you guys could point me to the list of the judges that each candidate is going to nominate, that would be great.
  9. I listened to the rest of the Branford Marsalis show - there are definitely some sublime moments in the 2nd set, but all of the good momentum came to a screeching halt when they opted to play Throwing Stones - another "spinning blue ball in outer space" song about Mother Nature vs the bad guys (who are bankers and politicians), and all the bad things that are happening while Mother Nature cries in her sleep. Snore. One grammar point for Mr. Barlow (and the four other guys who wrote this song - IT TOOK 5 GUYS TO WRITE THIS SONG): The world ROTATES on its axis. (not REVOLVES).(Re: "Now watch as
  10. Do they have any other topical songs? I was writing new lyrics for We Can Run, such as "remember to put recycling in the green bin, but green and brown glass has its own container!!" But the line of a "one child crying" - why didn't Brent just write "yeah, and that fake indian dude in the commercial with the single tear!!!"
  11. Started listening to Wake Up To Find Out (the official release of the 3/29/90 show) this morning on my commute - for the first time. I had heard the Eyes of the World on Without a Net previously, but nothing else from this show. It's fine. I really can't stand when Brent plays his fake plinky piano sound - why not just play an actual piano? But his Hammond sound is great. But wow wow wow is We Can Run a bad song.
  12. Well, I plan on continuing to live if Trump is elected. I want to live in this world, period. So, I should vote for Trump?
  13. Best wishes for Mr. Santiago. 25th anniversary of THEIR BEST ALBUM on Sept 23. (Trompe Le Monde)
  14. Invite me to the next seance so we can ask Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt and Reagan what they think of today's GOP. You know, the party where no living GOP former president bothered to show up for the most recent national convention?
  15. I'm pissed off because I was hoping that Hillary would be a uniter. I want our president to be a uniter. She's going to be the president of the deplorables too. She can call homophobia, islamophobia, xenophobia, etc. all deplorable without saying that those people themselves are deplorable.
  16. Does it matter? I think poll numbers that were gathered after she made the statement were affected by her statement. If you want to catch me in a GOTCHA, I concede. Uncle.
  17. Hillary's stances on issues line up mostly with my stances. That's why I'm voting for her. https://www.isidewith.com/political-quiz
  18. Yes, I believe her quote has had a negative effect on her image and her campaign.
  19. http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/polls-show-trumps-momentum-has-stalled-for-now/
  20. Clinton had an 8 point lead in the polls at the beginning of August, which has dwindled to 2.
  21. Well, it's either a gaffe or not. You try telling the people (who may or may not be in the basket of deplorables) who are turned off/pissed off by what she said that they're incorrectly inferring something in her statement that's simply not there. Hell, I'm pissed off by her statement and I'll be voting for her!
  22. Let's say I'm an undecided voter. I'm leaning towards Trump. I hear Hillary say her "deplorables" quote. I ask myself, hey wait a second, is she talking about me? I kind of like Trump, but I was going to wait until I learn more about each candidate to decide who to vote for, and she just insulted the core of his voting block. Fuck her. You think this scenario is a stretch. I don't.
  23. It's not the "deplorables" being insulted that I'm worrying about. It's the undecided voters being insulted that worries me. Clinton basically told them that if you don't vote for her, you're racist. Knowing people's penchant of getting reactionary and defensive (rather than introspective) when they've been challenged/insulted, and knowing Clinton's lack of charisma, and knowing that you can catch more flies with sugar...
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