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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. info on the parade: http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/baseball/cubs/ct-cubs-parade-world-series-20161103-story.html
  2. Must be a big relief. Now they don't have to hear "lovable losers" or any narrative about the curse. Man, that was a great game and great series.
  3. I've heard it was kind of both players' faults. The CF has the "right of way" there, and so he should have called the other player off, but at the same time, the RF should never have continued running in front of the CF - he should have changed course to run behind the CF's field of vision. I wonder if Zobrist would have been called safe even if the catcher made the tag. He was clearly blocking the plate before controlling the ball.
  4. It wasn't an error though. At least, not on the official scorecard. The only error on that play was Kipnis's throwing error to home.
  5. No Soundz for me. But my two little boys make use of a Marpac white noise sound machine.
  6. Cubs fans waited 71 years to hear the anthem sung by Fall Out Boy? jeez, new curse much?
  7. Wow, are you two close? I need to dig deeper into Om's catalog.
  8. Here's one I know you won't disagree with, though it's probably an unknown to most everyone else here... One of my many "classic" albums that I came to late (I forget when, about a couple years ago) is Sleep's Holy Mountain, and then of course, shortly after that, Dopesmoker.
  9. My favorite Classic album is Who Fucking Cares? by the Pedants.
  10. Well, at least it's 7 more votes for Donald. Ryan Bundy's mugshot looks like a freeze frame of someone who just got punched.
  11. It's crazy to me, that in just about every area of no-mans-land, it's Yankees or Red Sox. Poor Mets don't have a single county that they can claim their own. What's going on around Memphis? Isn't that where the Cardinals AAA affiliate plays?
  12. Looks like he hasn't been saying "bigly" after all. I have to admit that I'm a little heartbroken.
  13. Man, I was checking StubHub yesterday, just to see the insanity of what the bid/ask was. Game 4, Saturday. 4 seats, front row behind (and to the left of) home plate: $40,000 each. Today, they've been marked down to $38,000. http://www.stubhub.com/chicago-cubs-tickets-cubs-vs-indians-10-28-2016/event/9656989/?mbox=1&rS=6&abbyo=true&sliderpos=true&qtyq=false&dUpg=false&sort=quality+desc&byo=1&tktbkt=2&ticket_id=1223916707&ticketRank=3&byo_qty=4&bla=true
  14. Nice to see that Har Mar Superstar is still a thing. I saw The Phantom Menace at the Har Mar Mall.
  15. My early voting polling stations are only open from 8:30am-7:30pm. If they were open either earlier or later, I'd have a shot at it.
  16. What if there's several jails? The problem isn't that his announcement is belying his supposed unpredictability, it's that Lynott is plainly playing the part of a police informant. He's ratting out his fellow escapees.
  17. Oh I definitely plan on being near ground zero if the Cubs make it.
  18. Oof. Donald's speech actually started out pretty funny. The "Pardon Me" joke was good. But about half way through the crowd turns on him and you can hear the tumbleweeds... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-al-smith-dinner_us_58097764e4b0cdea3d869d9b
  19. So! Let's see... I'm just going to go through the archives and see if there's anything in the past which might leave Cubs fans with something to worry about. Game 6 at Wrigley in the NLCS. Check. Cubs are up 3 games to 2. Check. Nope. I see no parallels to past events. Nada. Nothing bad has ever happened in this situation... No way.
  20. Seems like the big one is: Blue collar jobs - manufacturing jobs Also, Containing the national debt (actually, I doubt this is a concern. I think it should be. Shouldn't it be?) Didn't Clinton leave us with a surplus? Seems like we should be able to get back to that. I don't want a credit default BURP to wreak havoc on our (and global) economy.
  21. I will say - it did look like when he was bringing his left hand in to touch the plate, that he wasn't sliding it across the ground, so it appeared that his hand might have been in the air, and not on the plate at that crucial moment that it appears that he was safe. http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/mlb/2016/10/20/adrian-gonzalez-nlcs-instant-replay/92447386/ In the photo in the linked article, which purports to show him touching the plate a split second before the catcher's mitt tags his face, you can see a shadow under his left hand. Is he touching home plate there? I would have ca
  22. Gonzalez sure looked safe... Maybe there was a billy goat in the review room?
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