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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. great response. I agree that it probably won't hurt her too badly.
  2. Should it not be? How is this different than Romney's 47% quote? We nailed him on that.
  3. It certainly doesn't help the cause to insult someone whose mind you want to change.
  4. It might have been me, via the time travelling I was doing during my first run of shows at Alpine Valley in '89. I haven't seen a better explanation for the "lost time" I experienced during that 4 show run.
  5. I watched this last night. Very intriguing. Pamela Adlon's new show is off to a good start too. FX channel is gaining a reputation as a place where show runners have total creative control.
  6. The NFL does a great job of accepting payment from The Military to honor veterans.
  7. Tortorella mentions the lives lost, both military and civilian, so that we might enjoy certain freedoms, so stand up to honor them. Use your freedom of speech when you're not wearing the team's uniform, because you're not a spokesman for the team. Don't put yourself above the team. ~paraphrased. I already pegged Tortorella as an ass before this, but I have no issues with his sentiment. He's a time and place guy, which I get.
  8. I love fall and Sunday Fundays. My lowly Lions will be mediocre yet again, and I'm not in their broadcast area, but I get huge kicks from watching my wife cuss out Cutler. Though today she's opting for the serenity of a yoga class at noon rather than the aggravation of watching Da Bears.
  9. I'm no advocate. People are paid what the market pays them. I don't know a life that's free of attractive distractions from the "real world." I indulge in the distractions because I'm not a great man. You're on the internet mocking me you privileged prick.
  10. Neither nor. It's an indictment of him, for bring attention to nothing but his gesture. I have no problem with his gesture. His ability to do it and not get thrown in jail is what makes this country a great place to live in.
  11. Athletes aren't either. That would be the owners. Nobody's fans of owners.
  12. I think his voice has similarities to the dude from the Strokes.
  13. That's exactly it. I have no idea what Kaepernick's stances on any issues are. I just know that he knelt during the anthem, and the only discussions I've read are whether or not an athlete should kneel during an anthem. If that's the sort of dialogue he wanted to initiate, then kudos to him.
  14. My cursory research says that it has its origins in the 1918 World Series - first played during the 7th inning stretch. The crowd loved it, so the people in charge stuck with it. After a couple games of playing it during the 7th inning stretch, they started playing it at the beginning of the game. Eventually all teams started playing it at the beginning, but only for important games (opener, 4th of July, and World Series). Sometime during WWII, teams started playing it before EVERY game, and the tradition stuck, and started infiltrating other sports.
  15. Says you. Gives me goosebumps, and I hate the Blackhawks (I love my country!)
  16. Good article in Rolling Stone on the LSD era
  17. So, my question is: Why isn't Podesta getting the same kind of media heat that Manafort did?
  18. That John Podesta is Hillary's campaign manager, and the Podesta Group (the lobbying group that he founded) took money from pro-Yanukovych groups (as well as other shady governments - such as Azerbaijan and Albania). Manafort seemingly resigned due to the bad connections he's had with pro-Russia Ukrainian sources. But some of the money they took was routed directly to the Podesta Group. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/ap-sources-manafort-tied-to-undisclosed-foreign-lobbying/ar-BBvJ0rk?li=BBnb7Kz&OCID=HPDHP Seems like nobody's hands are clean here.
  19. Ya know, for a guy who has embraced yoga for a long time, and somewhat "clean" living, Bobby sure looks a lot older than he is. Sparky Anderson syndrome?
  20. But isn't the problem that they didn't report the criminal activity? (to the police?) Edit: Uh oh... (read the "update" at the end of this story). Brazil says they have video of Lochte fighting security at a gas station... Blame Lochte's mom. He made up a little lie to tell his mom, and she flipped her shit and started talking to the media. Jeah?
  21. The funny thing is, is that Moore's theory has apparently been floating around for a while, and is even believed by righty blogs.
  22. What I want to know is, what the hell is going on in Rio?
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