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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. We can start ordering KevinG around as "Junior" BTW, the bicentennial was not a "news story" BREAKING NEWS. We interrupt this story to give you an update on the age of the USA. IT'S 200 YEARS OLD!!!!
  2. Whoa! 2 night pass for the webcast for $50, or one night for $30?? Guess I'll just put the headphones on and get back into that '78 box.
  3. I remember my first nightmare - inspired by Bumble the Abominable Snowman from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. I was 4 or 5? I also had nightmares from Equinox, and it took me a long long time to figure out what movie that was... I only had very limited memories of it, and it was on TV - an afternoon matinee on a Saturday perhaps... It's very obscure, and I was finally able to piece it together in my 30s. That was a fantastic revelation. There's another sci-fi film (but I think it's a short film, which makes it harder) that I have hazy memories about. It was cheap, and centered around kids
  4. That's the rub, and an interesting experience to see how you prove to yourself that you actually remember it. I remember Elvis's death because I can remember my neighbor crying about it. As for the Challenger - I actually saw that live (on TV). I was in gym class, and we were covering bowling at the time, so we were offsite at the local alley. I was watching the launch when it wasn't my turn. I remember calling people over to see the tragedy that just happened...
  5. Saw this posted on Gawker. I'm trying to honestly remember - what memories I have of what "major" news events. I think it must be Elvis's death in August 1977. I was 7. I can remember a neighbor being really bummed out about it.
  6. I've decided not to go. Too much good-will capital spent and 5 hours in the car are not worth it. I have a boys' weekend coming up, and I'm going to Pitchfork next Saturday. Fare thee well!
  7. Is Trump an antisemite for doing that? debatable. Does he know his audience? yes.
  8. Intentional? His staff took that image from a neo-nazi site. That's either intentional or incompetence.
  9. What about Hillary's adoption of Bernie's Free College platform?
  10. required reading: http://www.chicagomag.com/Chicago-Magazine/July-2016/The-Night-Disco-Died/ amazing photos here: http://www.dawhitephotography.com/disco-demolition
  11. Report please. Am contemplating seeing them in a couple weeks. Never have before.
  12. Ugh. crabby and tired today from all the neighbor idiots lighting fireworks into the wee hours last night, setting off my dog each time, which in turn woke my 1 and 3 year olds each time. Couldn't they have depleted their illegal stock of fireworks over the weekend, or before 10pm last night?
  13. I'm going back and forth with trying to snag tickets to the Dead & Co. show at Alpine Valley this weekend. Pro: "Dead" show. Cons: 2 hour drive each way, going solo, the Alpine Valley parking lot will add 2 hours, other old man reasons...
  14. I keep reading "Death Threat" in the title of this thread.
  15. I'm being generous by giving the Stones "Undercover of the Night" - in 1983. And yes, Aerosmith does deserve some kudos for having the original members in the band, but that clock was reset in 1984, when Joe Perry and Brad Whitford returned to the fold. Perry was out of the band for almost 5 years. ZZ Top is the current line-up longevity Cup holder. Los Lobos is up there somewhere.
  16. It will be a short-lived record when the Stones officially "quit". I'm estimating their sell-by date took place some time in 1986, after the release of Dirty Work. That jug of milk has been in the fridge for 30 years. ZZ Top's sell-by date is from some time around there too.
  17. Given the Led Zeppelin trial, I'm reading this line to the tune of Stairway to Heaven. Ooooooh it makes me wonder...
  18. and this: https://twitter.com/sunny_hundal/status/746352113916252160
  19. ouch http://gawker.com/hours-after-brexit-vote-leader-of-leave-movement-adm-1782570341
  20. I'm in! Purchased and instantly listed for resale the following: Nick Jonas and Demi Lovato in Albuquerque, and Slipknot in Phoenix. I decided to go after the risky market of: Kids, and or Waste-oids who have no taste in music. 2 down, 5 vouchers to go. The thing that sucks about this - is it isn't risk free. This isn't just free money. If my listed tickets are purchased and the event is cancelled or rescheduled, my card gets charged to refund the buyer!
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