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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. I'm so sorry your brother had to go through that. Good on him to turn his trauma into something so positive for all the kids he's reaching. I donated a small amount - wish I could give more.
  2. Do you work in the woods?
  3. Kill Bill 1 & 2 are his best, IMHO. Inglorious Basterds was way too long.
  4. Well you ignored that she vehemently denied that she ever changed her position, or you didn't acknowledge it, or you spinned it that it was merely a video of her changing her stances. But I see you've addressed it now and that it doesn't matter to you. You're willing to look the other way when Hillary's bad points are brought up. I assume that Trump supporters are capable of doing the same.
  5. The July 3 St. Paul show, (I was 8 years old, and living 90 miles to the south of the show at the time, probably watching Little House on the Prairie) though it wasn't warmly reviewed at the time (the review I read said it was merely perfunctory), was great, up until the encore of Werewolves of London. Ouch. Bobby's slide solo was a travesty. Literally the worst thing I've ever heard come out of the speakers from the Grateful Dead.
  6. Seriously. I'm flabbergasted that these two Numbnuts are the best we have to choose from. Never before, in my eyes and lifetime as a voter, has the South Park truism of Douchebag V Turd Sandwich rang truer. At this point, I'm begging for Romney, and I've never voted Republican in my life.
  7. Did you watch it? It didn't just show policy changes over the course of time - it showed her heatedly defending her stance that her policy was consistent the whole time, and that she never changed her position, even when confronted with evidence to the contrary. I have no problem with a candidate changing positions, but a candidate that does so while also somehow maintaining that they've never been wrong, or flat out denying their previous position, is problematic.
  8. You have a different approach to making higher education free? It's a moot point anyways. Sanders is not going to be the Dem's candidate, much less POTUS.
  9. Yikes. I definitely remember some weird weird freaky scary heads in the lot, in the wee wee hours, myself with a head full of acid. It wasn't like Hobbiton with flowers and little puppies and ducks and acid rainbows. It was a gravel parking lot with dirty weirdos and spinners and people who could talk backwards.
  10. I don't get sleeping under a car. Why were you sleeping under a car? How much head room are we talking about?
  11. You raise taxes. You make the entry into college as competitive as it is now (only 25% adults in the US have a college degree). After all, there are only a certain amount of spots open. Not everybody will be able to go. The best and brightest get priority. You also provide for free tuition to trade schools. Germany and Sweden seem to be doing OK.
  12. I can't imagine that Hillary would be any more "successful" in getting congress to work with her than Obama has. That's also worrying to me. And I'm under the assumption that this has been the least effective Congress EVER, as far as passing legislation goes. Thank goodness our priorities right now are on who gets to take a dump in which bathroom. The only positive that I can come up with - for a Trump presidency, is that it will force people like me to take to local politics, to get involved as much as possible from the ground level. But man, talk about redemption through suffering. A Tru
  13. To me, she is a conservative warhawk with no leadership abilities. She's someone who has no ethics, and only adopts policies/stances once they're popular. She's never been at the forefront of an unpopular good idea. I don't really give a shit about Benghazi. The e-mail thing is troublesome because she put herself above the law. On a superficial level, out of all the practiced faces she could have worked with for photo ops, she decided to go mainly with the gape-mouthed wide eyed manic look. The only thing appealing about Hillary, to me, is that she's not Donald Trump. Donald Trump has
  14. This election is like trying to decide which cancer is more healthy for you.
  15. My wife is his first cousin twice removed, which I think means that her paternal grandma (she was a Gygax) was his first cousin.
  16. I didn't get the Cover box set, but have poked around what they've put out there on youtube. The Terrapin Station was lovely. I really enjoyed that. But the southern-fried slowed-down Cumberland Blues was a turn-off.
  17. I was wondering about that. Those things must have been rock hard after a couple days.
  18. We camped at Alpine. I remember it being a heatwave, and I remember cooling off in Lake Geneva on the rest-day, and wanting to find Gary Gygax to pay our respects.
  19. Fantastic. I'm going to check out all the setlists at https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~./gdead/88.html
  20. I'm loving the July 78 box so far. The first show (July 1 at Arrowhead Stadium) is very high energy. Though short, at "only" 2 hours, it's a killer long single set (they were on a Willie Nelson BBQ Fest bill, with two acts to follow). The liner notes were great to read too. I've just started to listen to the the St. Paul show this morning, which from what I read, is going to be the nadir of the 5 shows, but it's sounding great so far. The anticipation for the Red Rocks shows is building. If anyone would like copies, PM me, and I could set up a dropbox later this weekend. Lammy - I saw tha
  21. I had come to believe that this place was better than "the internet" but your mastery of escalation and hyperbole has proven me wrong time and time again.
  22. Or, someone could just raise the question "was there foul play here?" and not get jumped on...
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