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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. The whole story is so crazy. Like you said, they very well might have committed the crime, but I just don't understand how a jury could render a guilty verdict with all the crazy shit that happened.
  2. Right right. The supposed "leg irons" weren't chains like you'd see in Roots, but were the kind you'd find in an adult store. Regardless, no Theresa DNA was found on them, so they're probably irrelevant - but they didn't recover any blood or other kind of her DNA from anywhere were she supposedly had her throat cut, but that didn't stop them from convicting both guys, so there you go... The best part of the whole thing is the prosecuting attorney saying "It doesn't matter if police planted evidence" in his closing arguments. Apparently not.
  3. I've been paying attention to those articles. I don't think they have much merit. Some of the "evidence" that was omitted was not allowed to be entered into trial. Some of it had to do with the cruel details with that damn cat. (My personal theory on Steven Avery is that the fucking cat cursed him for dousing it in gasoline and throwing it in a fire - that's why his life was fucked). Anyways, none of the stuff left out is damning on its own. It's not like "and oh yeah, they left out the video of him killing Theresa, and here's the voicemail he left saying that he was going to kill her." F
  4. Wow. Mad Max pulls best pic and best director nominations, among other noms, 10 total! Amazing. Full Oscar list here.
  5. Nice one from Rick Wakeman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jogv7tD18gs
  6. This was one of my favorite Bowie guest spots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xigAXL5e5Kw
  7. I wonder if that's the same one I saw earlier this year. It was a recent doc, called "5 years" - which looked at 5 crucial years in Bowie's career. I think the BBC made it. It was very interesting.
  8. I don't think Let's Dance was the sellout - it's the two albums that followed that could be considered such: From wikipedia's Let's Dance entry:
  9. Dave's picks 18 will be something from the Bay Area, summer of '76.
  10. is the order of the shots like this? 1,6,7,12 2,5,8,11 3,4,9,10
  11. Gas is cheaper, unemployment is down, stock market is up, but yes, Obama is the worst President we've ever had. Clearly.
  12. That was enjoyable just to look at the list itself. I'll dig in when I get home. Strange ordering of the material though...
  13. I thought SRV's contributions were limited to that bouncy intro to Modern Love?
  14. This act should completely fulfill this guy's turn to the dark side, no? Jesus Christ, so to speak.
  15. I can't believe I don't remember this at all. I most certainly watched it. The biggest TV event for my childhood was Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park.
  16. Awesome obit, from the Economist of all places.
  17. It was in the theater in my town for over a year. I definitely do not remember it being on TV. Is this what you're talking about?
  18. My wife and sister both love the game. People groan when I suggest playing it - because it ends up being a 3 hour affair, but once the game gets going, everyone gets really into it. Not sure why a reviewer would say it's a male-only game.
  19. Makes me want to play Power Grid. Anyone else play that game? Love it. /German board game nerd alert.
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