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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Such a great song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QW0NI1Rkz-M Avengers - Thin White Line
  2. I will only announce my intent to run if Lyndon LaRouche fails to.
  3. The 2nd time I saw them (a year or so in between performances) in Minneapolis, Tortelvis bragged that he had gained 8 pounds since we last saw him - to great applause.
  4. obviously. I'm an extremist though. All or nothing.
  5. Is there a difference between: US kills ISIS combatant, little Abdul watches as his father dies. and US kills innocent Syrian civilian, little Abdul watches as his father dies. The US made a life-long enemy of little Abdul either way, no? Seems like we should either: stop killing altogether, thereby not creating any new enemies bent on revenge, OR kill everyone, thereby eliminating all potential new threats.
  6. I really enjoyed Dread Zeppelin the couple times I saw them. Are they still a thing? Even Plant endorsed them!
  7. https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Joseph_de_Maistre
  8. He directed (and produced) both George Harrison: Living in the Material World, and No Direction Home. Though I think for the Dylan doc, he wasn't involved in any of the interviews - that footage already existed, but he stitched it all together.
  9. No Direction Home is one of the best documentaries out there. As much as I love George (named my 2nd born after him!), I thought the doc was a bit too long. Much like George's career, the 1st half of the documentary is much more interesting. But anyways - Scorsese's "merely" the Exec Producer on the GD flick. He's not in the director's chair...
  10. They are responding to a stupid question though - as if the issue of killing innocents can be boiled down to a soundbite. Lord knows it's death to a campaign if you come across as soft when it comes to foreign policy, so not only does a candidate have to come across as hard-as-nails, he or she also has to differentiate himself from the rest of the field, because they're all right there, ready to slit your throat over the slightest pause or misstep.
  11. I hope so. I also had hopes for his supposed documentary on the Stones, but it ended up just being a recent concert film featuring Christina Aguilera and Jack White. No thank you.
  12. Who knows. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4143508/?ref_=nm_flmg_prd_8 The status was last updated in June - "in post-production" And this story sheds... not much light on it either. This one's from last May. http://www.pressdemocrat.com/lifestyle/3864485-181/north-bay-gets-role-in?page=0
  13. I think a certain level of callousness is required to make the terrible war-time decisions a President has to. Have you seen The Fog of War? Excellent documentary. McNamara has been vilified for his callous number-crunching, data backed, decision making. But - war decisions are always terrible decisions. There's no easy answers. What is the best way to go after ISIS? History will let us know whether or not our decision makers were right or not. Just remember that debate bluster is just that. They're vying for attention to secure votes, nothing more. They're doing what they think is b
  14. So, deliberate attacks on civilians isn't a war crime? I'm confused. What are you intending for me to read, and what is my take-away supposed to be? If you're saying that collateral damage to civilians is a war crime, then please cite that.
  15. Deliberate attacks on civilians is a war crime. I'm not finding anything where any candidate said that a deliberate attack of civilians is acceptable or actually encouraged. Carson's quote below - deals with collateral damage, not direct attacks on civilian targets. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/12/15/who-said-what-and-what-it-meant-the-fifth-gop-debate-annotated/ BLITZER: Thank you. To be clear, Senator Cruz, would you carpet bomb Raqqa, the ISIS capital, where there are a lot of civilians, yes or no? CRUZ: You would carpet bomb where ISIS is, not a city, but the
  16. You just learned that?? Are you unfamiliar with the History of Warfare? What do you think happens when armed conflict occurs?
  17. OK, if I was asked that, I would say "um, neither" and then the survey taker would ask "no, you have to pick one" and then I would say "how about you fuck off, I'm not interested." and then he would probably check "unfavorable"
  18. OK then, the figures can be discounted because two viable answers weren't even included as options: 1) I have no opinion on Islam. 2) I have a neutral opinion on Islam. Without those two possible answers, the survey writer is purposely herding the answers towards being positive or negative. It's flawed from the outset. Here's how those numbers should be interpreted: Thesis: Conservative people are more likely than liberal people to be intolerant. Wow! The data backs up that thesis! Fin.
  19. The crazy thing is: they didn't. He had better offers.
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