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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. oh don't worry. There's always people who are worse than The Donald.
  2. You just need to open the flue. Left = closed. Right = open.
  3. Such a sad story. And then I made the mistake of diving into the comments. It's depressing that such an article would inspire people to take the time to take the author down.
  4. Nope, but I just read that they brought out Eagles of Death Metal in the show last night. Of course Bono-haters are nailing him for it.
  5. For Kevin: See? Is Dick Cheney chastising Trump good for you?
  6. It's funny - in the disclaimer page for the White Album, they stated that they could not guarantee that it was the first White Album that was pressed (there was no serial cataloging of the actual vinyl) - but just that it was the first album cover. Still, if I was a zillionaire, I would have been all over a lot of that stuff. Nice charity fundraiser.
  7. Hixter often brings up a good point though. Why do we need more gun rules when we don't even bother to enforce the once we have? How about we put focus on enforcing the CURRENT laws, and see how that works? Then, we can make a rational decision about the need for more gun laws.
  8. Oasis (I'm a fan of the first two albums) has great b-sides during that era. Both Definitely Maybe and What's the Story Morning Glory have been re-released recently, with all the b-sides included.
  9. There's also the tactic of "Why waste energy on trying to make him look bad when he's perfectly capable of doing it himself," which seems to be the style of the other candidates.
  10. Give up? No need for melodrama. You keep mentioning repercussions, and I don't understand what you're seeking. His repercussions are that he won't become President. His critics are many. But - what kind of repercussions are you after that will satisfy you? Do you want the other candidates, or for Preibus to reprimand him and ask him to step down? Why would they do that? He's leading in the polls. He's not the first, nor last candidate that will offend some.
  11. How do you think people get rich, by being earnest, honest, and working hard? The Donald's repercussions will be that his legacy will be: He's a buffoon. I'd like to live in your nirvana too, but I live in the USA, and it's the greatest country in the world. But, nobody gets treated fairly. That's not possible.
  12. Troubling for who, me? No. Do you know what troubles me? Making enough to support my family, buying a house next Spring in a good school district, raising my two boys. If our electorate is crazy enough to elect Trump as president, what are my options? Move to another country? I'm not single. It's not going to happen. Also, Trump will never be president of this country. Am I troubled that there's a sizable contingent who actually like Trump? No.
  13. Trump's a pace car. Nothing else. Get him to say all the outrageous things just to see what sticks. A litmus test.
  14. It most definitely is a replacement. The write-up says Paul most likely removed it, after he commandeered it and took it to his Scotland home to make his debut solo album.
  15. At the Hop - Sha Na Na. Austin Minnesota. I'm guessing 1978? I was in 3rd grade. I really have no memory of what the setlist was, but I do remember that my friend's mom, who took us to the show, had a purple Gremlin.
  16. If anyone wants to pick up Ringo's original Ludwig drum kit, the current bid is only at $400,000. A steal at twice the price. http://www.julienslive.com/view-auctions/catalog/id/163/lot/70811/?url=%2Fview-auctions%2Fcatalog%2Fid%2F163%2F%3Fpage%3D1%26key%3D%26cat%3D%26xclosed%3Dno%26sortlot%3Dprice%26sorthighlow%3Dhighlow
  17. Must be. This must have been printed before the opening of the Panama Canal, which was also in 1914. New Zealand was also reachable in less time than Lima! Also strange that it took at least 5 days to get to Iceland. And here I am, looking at flights to Lyon in June, cringing that the trip is going to be 12 hours. (1 stop in Frankfurt).
  18. Fascinating... Strange that one could get to Hawaii (from London) quite a bit faster than to Lima Peru?
  19. Wonder what Muhammad Ali thinks about all this...
  20. There's too much GD and JGB stuff that I have yet to listen to, and that definitely takes priority.
  21. The Fare Thee Well sampler has been up on NPR for a free listen since last week I listened to a couple songs - pretty brutal, in my humble opinion.
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