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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Mustard and pork are a match made in heaven. What the hell do you put on your brats? Your polish? Your ham sammiches? The same applies to pulled pork. Carolina gold is ambrosia.
  2. They kind of looked like girls on film, not wild boys.
  3. They definitely were. Their videos for Rio and Hungry Life the Wolf really set them apart from other MTV low budget tripe. This article (admittedly a year and a half old) says they've never been nominated. http://www.billboard.com/articles/news/6042281/the-10-most-controversial-rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-moments
  4. Cards fans are not happy. https://twitter.com/bestfansstlouis
  5. They're certainly eligible. I can't comment on their chances, but were one of the biggest bands in the world at their height of popularity.
  6. perfect. Been trying to get good at the art myself. Brisket is too hard, so far, for me (and expensive). I'm good at pork shoulder and ribs. I have been using a Weber Smokey Mountain. It's an old one that I inherited, and I should probably seal it a little better. I have a little doohickey with a thermometer and fan attached to it that stokes the coals to keep the temp constant. Seems to work well. I like a healthy amount of brown sugar in my rub for the sweet bark it helps make.
  7. Huh, I was always under the (mistaken?) impression that Texans spurred BBQ sauce, and were all about the rub.
  8. Well, at least you should be well versed on mustard-based v vinegar-based BBQ sauce. But then again, with you being a Texan, I'll go with the assumption that "BBQ sauce" isn't in your vernacular.
  9. Masturbation is never pointless, might I add.
  10. There's plenty of material on the subject. http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/09/the-origins-of-public-carry-jurisprudence-in-the-slave-south/407809/ http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/13890-the-second-amendment-was-ratified-to-preserve-slavery http://www.theroot.com/articles/politics/2013/01/second_amendment_slave_control_not_the_aim.html http://www.nationalreview.com/article/424962/2nd-amendment-southern-slavery-atlantic-essay-response Those four links go at each other's throats on the matter. But only I have the power of communicating with the Founding Fathers.
  11. Wow, there are a lot of quality answers posted there. For today's interwebs, that's really impressive.
  12. Why didn't the survey allow for an "I have no opinion on Islam" or "I am neutral on Islam" answer? Dumb.
  13. I have an unfavorable opinion on any religion. And I'm Catholic. (kind of)
  14. Mohammad Ali and Kareem Abdul Jabbar respond to Trump: http://deadspin.com/muslim-sports-heroes-kareem-abdul-jabbar-and-muhammad-a-1747236482
  15. The GOP is screwed. They either have to stick with Trump (and lose the election with him as their candidate) or let him split off, and then syphon off votes from whomever their guy ends up being. The only reason that Trump has the balls to say what he's saying is that he, unlike the other candidates (other than Carly, but her campaign is all but dead) doesn't depend on the electorate for his well-being. What Trump is saying and doing doesn't bother me. I just think it's depressing that the other elected people are just a bunch of rats who will not say anything controversial (either good or
  16. It's depressing that our "leaders" would rather cater to the LCD, instead of, you know, how do you say in your country... LEADING.
  17. Miley actually did a very nice job with Silent Night. Sometimes I have a Pavlovian reaction to hearing that song - except with tears welling up instead of a wagging tail and drool. And she hit my sweet spot, so to speak.
  18. was underwhelmed by a Very Murray Christmas. Watched a Charlie Brown Christmas for the first time in a long time. The music is awesome, but man, the story is kind of a boring mess. The Grinch Who Stole Christmas is still great though.
  19. Well, of all the AR-15 owners, surely none of them must be Christians, not with the whole "Thou shalt not kill" and the whole "Turn the other cheek" thing that are such a fundamental parts of their way of life.
  20. Guys - military participation percentages are a sideshow to the shitshow. The only reason Hixter even brought it up was that he was guessing at an answer as to why so many AR-15s are owned in the US. He guessed that part of the reason probably has to do with military service. He's probably right that military service has something to do with it. Christ.
  21. I'm sure he did get clean, several times, during their relationship. That's what love is all about - hoping for the best for our loved one, and hating the bad decisions that they make. The one story in that article that really crushed me was his refusal to see his kids' Christmas plays because he was atheist. Really dude? That's the hill you're going to die on? Pick your battles...
  22. Of all the things to bust on Hixter, you're riding him on his guesstimate of military service demographics?
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