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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Yes, but that also means you've missed out on Real Housewives of Orange County et al, so there.
  2. The crazy thing about the leaked video is that Billy Bush is getting the worst of it. He's getting fired by NBC, but the big whale, (The Donald) is still in line to potentially be the most powerful person in the world? So, what I've learned is - the video is too damaging for an Entertainment Muppet, and he's going to lose his job, but the video is NOT too damaging for the person who wants to be the next POTUS? Got it.
  3. It really seems like the party is imploding. Donald is now wasting his time going after people like Paul Ryan for not supporting him over the weekend. I think lost highway was right in one of his posts further back - that the future of conservatism probably lies with Libertarianism. If they could create a viable party for fiscally conservative, socially liberal idealists, I could probably get behind that.
  4. Right, but it's only been since Friday that a bigger component of elected members of the GOP (and it's still a small handful) to actually denounce him. By "you guys" I mean GOPers, like McCain, who came out with a statement against him.
  5. Well, they did win 11 in a row (with no days off) before the last two regular season series. Maybe that mad dash left them with an empty tank...
  6. I think the point is: "But you guys were OK with him through everything he's done and said up until now?" Personally, I'm not baffled by the uproar, but like others have said: "Took ya long enough..."
  7. You do realize that they sell "Hillary for Prison" paraphernalia at Trump events, right? You think those people are going to pause to reflect on due process?
  8. For the people who buy Trump's lines about Hillary having a lot of hate in her heart - how does that jibe with a long career full of advocating for children's rights? I guess that would make sense if she's only advocating for them just to fatten them up so she can eat them later... Or, for the people who hate Hillary because she's a liar? Look, I know we're always searching in vain for Diogenes's Honest Man, but if lying is the hill that you're going to die on, I'm pretty sure Trump's not your champion either.
  9. The GOP powers that be better be looking up the procedures for dumping him and installing a new candidate. Those weaklings had the chance to disavow him from the party long ago, but he threatened to run independently. Btw Col, Hapablap. Non consensual touching in any form is battery, not "potentially" a crime. It IS a crime. However, in Donald's world, "they let you do it." It's good to be King?
  10. Man... Here's how Donald answered a question on how he's going to create jobs. Keep in mind that this was an invite-only town hall in which he was fully prepped on all the questions he was going to be asked.
  11. Yes, but maybe the difference isn't significant: http://www.dailyyonder.com/rural-voter-turnout-drops-18-2012/2012/11/29/5514/ K, this made me laugh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLYHu0AG8GI
  12. I'm not disagreeing with you. One is an opinion piece - the article you linked to, with zero factual basis for why voting for Nader was something to regret (in fact, one of the regretters that was quoted in your article voted in California, which Gore won, so, that doesn't even make sense). I'm just disgusted with the Hillary Campaign (whom I'm voting for!) for dredging up a disproved myth about Nader stealing the 2000 election from Gore - which is definitely the subtext of that article you linked to.
  13. Exit polling stats taken from Nader voters in Florida are not opinion pieces.
  14. Nader is very unjustly villainized for "stealing" Gore's supposed victory against Bush. http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/dont_fall_for_it_the_nader_myth_and_your_2016_vote_20160802 I wish that myth would die already.
  15. Poor Terry Jones is suffering from severe dementia. https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2016/oct/04/monty-python-terry-jones-dementia-diagnosis-michael-palin
  16. Well it's certainly not creative, which you think the desperate situation would have demanded. Some managers just stick with their system: This guy pitches the 7th, this guy pitches the 8th, and this guy closes. Some managers will take a reliever out because they don't want them to pitch for more than 3 outs. Dumb.
  17. I mean, why use Zach Britton? Dur, because it wasn't a closing situation! Showalter will have a long time to dwell on it.
  18. Wild Cards: Orioles > Jays Mets > Giants NLDS: Cubs > Mets Sens > Dodgers ALDS: Rangers > Orioles Sox > Indians CS: Cubs > Sens Sox > Rangers WS: Cubs > Sox = Chicago Riots.
  19. No no no. Didn't you hear? Trump's tax thing is GREAT NEWS for Trump because it shows that the system is broken, and he's a tax genius, and that only he can fix it. You can tell it's GREAT NEWS because they're not just trying to positively spin something that they hadn't considered releasing before... BUT HILLARY HAS BLOOD ON HER HANDS.
  20. It probably wouldn't hit me the same way now, that it did when I was 12/13, but I haven't had a book hit me in the same way that I fell in love with Lord of the Rings. I can still remember reading the bulk of The Two Towers in the back of our station wagon on a long trip back from Michigan. We were driving through rain most of the way. I didn't see Gandalf's return coming, so that was awesome. If there's a thrill I wish I could relive, it would be that. Hated the movies.
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