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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. What's to get? He's a virtuoso. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYlWNb9tmtk
  2. Creedence Clearwater Revival > Bayou Country > Green River > Willy and the Poor Boys > Cosmo's Factory. All within 2 years.
  3. I'm speaking specifically of keeping someone alive, who otherwise would be dead, by keeping them hooked up to a machine. That's the whole Canadian "death panel" example, as given in Hixter's link.
  4. I agree, as long as the "you" is the only one paying for the expensive-as-shit process of keeping someone alive on a machine. I don't know if I want my tax $ going towards keeping someone in a 3 year coma alive.
  5. Supposedly, their name appeared on a show-poster, or marquee, or sign as The Placemats - the person responsible having heard the name wrong... And that they enjoyed the name, and referred to themselves as such.
  6. You're mixing issues. I'll fix it for you. Pre-Obamacare fact in 2009: There's no such thing as death panels in proposed Obamacare legislation. One post-obamacare blogger in 2013: Death panels in Canada are a good thing.
  7. I guess so, I don't really care. Can i just change my answer to "I think they suck, regardless of any perceived critical acclaim"?
  8. Heard this one over the weekend. Made me chuckle. Two guys, out late carousing the night before, show up at work at the same time the next morning. One says to the other, "Man, you kept me out LATE last night, I'm in the doghouse!" The other replies "What for?" The first guy says "I don't get it. I was so quiet when I got home. I turned off the car in the street, pushed it into the driveway, took off my shoes outside, unlocked the door as quietly as possible, tip-toed around the house, and as soon as I got to our bedroom, my wife turned on the lights and hollered at me 'WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!
  9. Waste of a vote - they're guaranteed to get in.
  10. Truth. This Tigers team didn't really seem like a team of destiny (none of the past three playoffs teams have - well, not like '84 at least). Their relief pitching ranks among the worst in the league.
  11. Fielder sucked, for certain, but Scherzer getting yanked wasn't a bad decision. He had just walked a guy who he had 1-2.
  12. Leyland is supposedly having a press conference this morning to announce that he's stepping down.
  13. I watched the Evil Dead remake last weekend. Loved it. Though it was way nastier and scarier and seriouser than the first, there are many great shout-outs to the original + evil dead 2. There's a shot of a quick-zoom to a chainsaw, that in my mind, I could hear Ash murmur "Chainsaw!"
  14. Today a younger guy at work was doing "You talking to me? ... You talking to Me? ... You talking to ME?" I asked him, "Donnie, have you even seen Taxi Driver?" him: "What's Taxi Driver" me: "It's a Scorsese movie from the 70s, and it's where that scene comes from." him: "What? No no no, that's not Taxi Driver." me: "Oh? What's it from?" him: "Lion King! Hello!?"
  15. gives a whole new meaning to "early to bed, early to rise..."
  16. Pan-fried brussels sprouts with pancetta. An indispensable thanksgiving sidedish.
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