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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Sad and legal, I agree. No fucking way was it justified.
  2. I disagree with a lot (most?) of what I've seen Hixter write here, but I don't recall him ever calling out someone for all the sins of their political party/affiliation like you did. But then again, this is all a game to ya right?
  3. I don't quite get how people say facebook and twitter replace forums like this. Seems like all the stuff there is typical stuff by fans directed at the band ("come to XYZ!") and not a discussion among fans about the band.
  4. Just me being a passive-aggressive ass. carry on.
  5. This is rather refreshing... http://hummusforthought.com/2013/07/06/brilliant-egyptian-kid/
  6. My point is that it's another "debate" in which the participants have pretty much zero chance of finding middle ground.
  7. Could be worse... we could be debating abortion rights.
  8. http://bit.ly/bHYxTA
  9. I keep going back and forth about how I feel about him and his actions... but yeah, his bumbled flee attempt makes him look like an incompetent coward.
  10. I'm a dad, I like rock, I like dads who rock... DAD ROCK!
  11. 29 is considered a kid? wow, and here I thought I was getting old and crusty... guess I still have more to look forward to!
  12. Snowden : Leakers should be “shot in the balls” I find this to be utterly amusing.
  13. I was wearing a Replacements shirt last week and my 20 yr old niece looked at it and said "Who's tha-- oh never mind, probably just some old band, right?"
  14. Considering what's for the greater good of society over an individual's rights? GTFO with yer goddamned socialist thinking!
  15. Indeed, on to more important discussions... so what's up with Zimmerman gaining 100+ lbs over the past year? I'm only semi-joking, too. I know a little about stress/depression eating, but that's quite a bit for even that.
  16. TX isn't all that bad. Wendy Davis (and the other senators who assisted her) proved that tonight.
  17. Fair enough... but you didn't directly make that connection. Do you think the outcome would have been different/better if there was a gun in the house?
  18. It's funny -- as much as I respect and generally agree with Wilco's "no video" policy when I'm actually at a show, I really love getting the chance to experience special stuff like this all-covers night on YouTube after the fact. I don't know who you are, Geoff Tweaty, but I love ya!
  19. Terrible video. But again, I wonder why you posted it in a political thread. I assume it's because of your advocacy of gun ownership. Problem is, I don't think a gun, even if she was carrying it on her person, would have prevented this attack. She was clearly taken by surprise by this (much bigger and extremely violent) guy and unable to do much of anything after the first hit. If anything, this video makes me think I should get a video surveillance system so that in the (extremely unlikely) event that something like this were to occur to me/my family, the police would have plenty of e
  20. People have every right to complain, and other people have ever right to respond to those complaints. But then the OC (original complainer) feels the need to defend him/herself, which of course begs the COTOCs (complainers of the original complainer) to likewise justify their point. And then some UTPOs (uninvolved third party observers) come in with meta comments about the validity of the argument in the first place, reminding us that This Place is not nearly as bad as That Other Place. Which of course causes SJLMTTBC (some jackass like myself trying to be clever) to write up something
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