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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Be sure to rent a bike on Macinac and ride around the island. I think it's like 4 miles or something. Lots of fun and some great views.
  2. Ugh. Been looking for that for ages. I think I have mp3s of all the tracks, but it'd be nice to have the proper album/cd. Good find.
  3. I thought he used a Bushmaster .223 rifle. Regardless, why is it either/or re: improved mental health care and increased gun control? Both are necessary, IMO. Of course, I thought a national (mental) healthcare program was our first step into the trap of Socialism. And btw - those "private" sales include the majority of gun show transactions. It isn't just dad selling his hunting rifle to his son: it's any one person selling his weapon(s) to another person, regardless of whether they know each other. I agree that there's no reason why the transfer of automobile ownership is tracked
  4. Favorite guitarists? D Boon J Macias Bob Stinson AGIB-era Tweedy Cline Rick McCollum (Afghan Whigs) Bob Mould basement-era Westerberg Joey Kneiser (Glossary) Justin Townes Earle Jason Molina (RIP)
  5. Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous what they're trying to pull there. Personal savings accounts should never be taxed.
  6. I'm a Catholic and love the selection (unlike Benedict). People who are upset because they didn't elect a true "progressive" pope re: gay rights, abortion, etc. are being unrealistic. That will never happen. But in every other way, I couldn't be happier about the choice. First of all, he's a Jesuit - and anyone who's gone to a Jesuit-run high school or university knows they are a very different breed of priest... much more in touch with the real world than your typical priest. Also, from what I've read the new pope has spent most of his life working with the poor and fighting for soci
  7. So national politics has been reduced to a game of chicken. How awesome.
  8. He's personally seen the brutal reality of war and isn't gung-ho into starting another one w/ Iran just because Israel wants it, especially considering how over-stretched our forces have been due to constant fighting the past decade. Sounds like the right position to me. And I love how republicans want to cut spending on everything under the sun, but when the idea of reducing military spending is proposed it's considered borderline treasonous. We spend more on our military than China, Russia & the next umpteen countries combined. We will still be #1 militarily despite any cuts.
  9. The more I read debates like this, the more I realize how truly scared some folks are.
  10. Awesome insight. Why should anything be illegal then? Criminals, by definition, don't obey laws so all laws are useless, right?
  11. So you think the status quo is a-ok. Gotcha.
  12. I must have missed that. What gun control measures do you support? It sounds like you're against the most basic, and I'd say important, change -- closing the personal sale (gun show) loophole.
  13. Hixter, I say with all the sincerity I can muster, you are the poster child for the NRA. And I think people like you make our country less safe -- because you seem to think that any laws regulating your precious guns are wrong. Grow the f up.
  14. Yup. He hates the NRA and specifically called out the Clintons (both Bill and Hillary) as great leaders. He's obviously disturbed, but that doesn't mean everything he supports (or rejects) is wrong. In a different world he might have been a more constructive force for change. As it is, he'll be dismissed as a psycho ex-cop killer... which I can't really argue with.
  15. My list would be embarrassingly huge. Wilco, DBTs, Lucero, The Minutemen, Justin Townes Earle to just name a few. It seems like I need to have a few dozen people talk about how great an artist is for years before I take the effort to check them out.
  16. Here's his unedited (and crazy long) manifesto. He's vowed to take out members of the LAPD who have been covering up rampant police brutality. He was fired because he reported a fellow officer for excessive force and they claimed he was lying, firing him soon after. http://youranonnews.tumblr.com/post/42506354980/heres-an-uncensored-copy-of-the-rogue-lapd-officers I don't condone violence, but if half of what he claims is true then there might be something good to come out of this by bringing it all to light. Just hope they catch him soon.
  17. Yeah, was reading a little bit about this. Apparently the cops are so paranoid that they've accidentally shot at (and wounded) a few people that they mistook for this guy. Crazy. edit: here's the article http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2013/02/ex-cop-manhunt-newspaper-delivery-women-shot.html
  18. I've never fully understood why conservatives hate the USPS so much. It seems like they're rooting for it to fail.
  19. As an old buddy of mine used to say, that's like being the tallest dude at a midget convention.
  20. Totally ridiculous if you think we can deport 12-15 million people. But keep at it, the more conservatives pound that drum, the better the liberals and moderates will do in every election going forward. I wish there would be a national "illegals" day where every current or once-illegal immigrant and their direct descendants wore a pin or something. You live in TX, right? You'd be amazed at how many of your neighbors, friends & acquaintances either came here illegally or are the children/grandchildren/nieces/nephews of illegals. Every Latino I know is either a direct descendant of a
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