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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Unfortunately, there's a very large segment of this country who would say precisely that, regardless of the circumstances that led to his homelessness. Sorry about your brother; hope he stays safe and gets his life back on track.
  2. Yes! One of my first albums as a kid. Also: Husker Du - The Living End Magnolia Electric Co. - Trials and Errors The Black Lips - Los Valientes del Mundo Nuevo (probably my favorite live recording; sounds great and captures the energy of their live show perfectly. recorded in Tijuana, which helps.) Also, would be remiss to not mention Kicking Television... but we all know about that one.
  3. Wilco also have a very critically-well-received documentary of them. Yet I'd still put their chances at 50-50 at best.
  4. It really is. Makes for a very interesting game. They just took one of the regular wild cards and put a big "M" in the middle of it. Then, when you play it you have to say who you're playing it against, pick the new color before looking at their cards, and then exchange hands. And of course, if you're switching with someone with only one card you have to say "Uno" as soon as you take possession of the hand. I forget to do that easily 50% of the time.
  5. Trust me, I'm not defending those tactics, but I understand them. If the state-by-state polls are accurate, Obama is looking at a big EC win -- RCP has him winning every swing state right now. The GOP needs to use every tactic, dirty or not, in their arsenal to get the election to swing the other way. To put it another way, if the situation was reversed I wouldn't put it past some Democrats to do some things that could be looked upon as unsavory. Do I think the two parties are equal in that regard? Not really, but I don't think one is all evil and the other is pure and innocent. Obama h
  6. Ideally, yes everyone should want as many people to vote as possible. But first and foremost, they want their horse in the race to win. It's just the demographics of conservative vs. liberal voters -- I suspect the Headcount folks aren't canvassing tea party rallies or southern churches with the same gusto as at a rock concert, nor does the GOP really need them to.
  7. Tweedy on CurrentTV http://current.com/s...ou-need-to-vote http://current.com/shows/the-war-room/videos/wilco-exclusive-backstage-outtakes-with-jeff-tweedy
  8. This one surprised me, but Sugar. I used to love them in the 90's, but I recently put in FUEL and was shocked at how little I enjoyed it. Maybe it's the production style or that it just represents a weird time of my life that I don't like reliving (or maybe I was just in a grumpy mood)... but yeah, no bueno. I'll give 'em another try in a few months, I suppose.
  9. Yeah, it's definitely rough -- as pretty much all of his material the past decade has been. But I like the defiance of this song. A lot of us were worrying that he was done and he's answered that call with a nice big f-you.
  10. See, if you came to my house you'd never confuse me with a rich person. Not in the least. I have a swank 45 yr old,1600 sq foot, house that cost me a little under $600K that needs constant attention. Look, I'm not trying to pretend to be poor or struggling to get by. I'm comfortable and happily so. But every cent that I/my wife makes goes into either home improvements or retirement. I know many people don't have that luxury and that sucks... but my point is that there are a bunch of places in the country where making what seems like a lot of money actually means you're just getting by a
  11. new song... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQBEkzUAPG0&feature=g-u-u
  12. Upper (barely, as in I can save for my kids' college and my retirement, woo hoo!) middle class. Yes, compared to many places the world, I'm freaking wealthy. But I don't live there, nor could my wife and I make the same money there... so the comparison is invalid.
  13. Uno. my (6 & 8 yr old) kids are obsessed with it. They actually created a "mystery card" where it allows you to swap your hand with another player. Pretty awesome addition; the ultimate f-you to someone about to go out.
  14. Wrong. Being "rich" is about lifestyle. Sure, if I lived in buttfuck, Idaho where homes cost $ Not saying that I'm poor by any means, but to say that I'm rich is ridiculous. And yes, it's called perspective and it works both ways.
  15. No shit. Tell that to my 8 yr old corolla and 9 yr old passat.
  16. and We Jam Econo @ #1. With a YT link to the entire doc. Guess what I'm watching this afternoon?
  17. I dunno - it seemed to be a suitably bizarre response to that video.
  18. Yep, I've said a bunch of times that it's hard to win when your main selling point is that "Well, at least I'm not that guy." I fell for that hard after the 2004 election -- couldn't understand how Bush could have gotten reelected. Then I remembered he was running against John Kerry.
  19. I like AM a lot (as I like SBS a lot)... but I like the other albums more. Doesn't make it a bad album.
  20. He apparently tried getting it out in parts all summer, but it took this long for him to get the attention of Huffpo & eventually David Corn at Mother Jones. http://www.buzzfeed.com/bensmith/the-long-strange-leak-of-mitt-romneys-47-video
  21. Full video is out now.... http://www.motherjon...mney-fundraiser edit: heh, it was the bartender -- you can never trust those fuckers!
  22. 1. AGIB 2. ST 3. YHF 4. TWL 5. BT 6 (tie). SBS & AM 8. W(TA) 1, 2 & 3 are completely interchangeable depending on the day. TWL might eventually jump in there, but I need to give it more time. W(TA) hasn't aged well for me - I kinda liked it when it came out; now there's only a couple of songs that I look forward to.
  23. I was about to yell at you for a second there because I thought this was the most overrated TV show thread. Yes, Taxi was quite awesome. I've been known to burn hours on end watching old Taxi clips on YouTube. Speaking of which -- Whose Line Is It Anyway. Some shows were hit & miss so it probably doesn't qualify for best show ever... but man, when they hit I'd be in tears.
  24. 24. The first season was awesome, groundbreaking, exciting TV. Something truly unique and special. Just loved it. And then they did it again. And again. And again. And again... I gave up halfway through the 3rd season. Tried again for the 5th (or 6th?) season and they were still at the exact same formula. That show should have been a 1 season in & out -- it would have been legendary. I also never got the appeal of Lost, as I also don't get the appeal of Mad Men. I wouldn't call either "truly awful" but I never understood why people love(d) those shows so much.
  25. it's at around 2:30 into the video here... http://www.huffingto..._n_1829455.html he says: "My dad, as you probably, know was the governor of Michigan and was the head of a car company. But he was born in Mexico ... and, uh, had he been born of, uh, Mexican parents, I'd have a better shot at winning this, but he was unfortunately born to Americans living in Mexico. ... I mean I say that jokingly, but it would be helpful to be Latino."
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