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i'm only sleeping

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Everything posted by i'm only sleeping

  1. As long as they leave Paul alone if he dares to sing Obladi Oblada (aargh), I'd be moderately happy with that
  2. It was John http://spencertweedy.com/post/17594820276/the-garageband-champions-beat-wilco-again
  3. Try download this http://www.wmamp3-converter.com/; it's free and easy
  4. He has not written any really great great song since the Darkness/The River period, IMHO
  5. I read somewhere that the lessons of Lloyd were a brthday present of Jeff's wife.
  6. If I remember well there's some recording in Owl & Bear with Frisell joining the band in 'California Stars'
  7. Nope! I'm able to enjoy ALL of their albums, though not to the same degree, obviously. If anything, I'm beginning to be fed up of hearing 'A shot in the arm' but this is my fault, probably due to over-esxposure (á la Clockwork Orange-style)
  8. Wilco - 100% Television - 90% Miles Davis - 90% Ry Cooder - 85% Beatles - 84% Rolling Stones - 80% Neil Young - 80% The Band - 75% Steely Dan - 70% Graham Parker - 65%
  9. "I Might" as the soundtrack of a bunch of X-mas programs to be broadcasted in TV1, the main public Spanish TV channel. It's all right!
  10. In my mind, the best homage to Steely Dan by Wilco is not a cover but 'Capitol City', strongly reminding SD's cover of Ellington's "East St. Louis Toodle-Oo"
  11. Yes, but in my mind it reminds me of this http://www.google.es/imgres?q=flying+spaghetti+monster&hl=es&sa=X&rlz=1R2SUNC_esES388&biw=1048&bih=772&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=fRpJWIftF4ClLM:&imgrefurl=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Spaghetti_Monster&docid=4QMK6qgkgnHAvM&imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/6/6e/Touched_by_His_Noodly_Appendage.jpg/330px-Touched_by_His_Noodly_Appendage.jpg&w=330&h=170&ei=Z7HCTrj_KcOO8gORh4GDCw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=84&vpy=203&dur=31&hovh=136&hovw=264&tx=141&
  12. To my non-English grown ears, something as "I believe I've seen the finger's divine extremity" is really hilarious
  13. In my next life at leat, I envision myslef as hearing Wilco's cover of L&M's 'I've got a feeling'
  14. Wilco's antidote is also perfect ????? http://www.elpais.com/articulo/Galicia/antidoto/Wilco/perfecto/elpepuespgal/20111106elpgal_6/Tes
  15. Posted Today, 09:18 AM "A religion called Wilco" (on the last show of the Spanish tour 2011) http://www.elmundo.e...1320467864.html
  16. "A religion called Wilco" (on the last show of the Spanish tour 2011) http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2011/11/05/galicia/1320467864.html
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