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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. they should belong in a different category. like reissues. because that's what they are.
  2. i didn't know anything about either Courtney nor Benjamin Booker but that was a pretty rockin' bill this summer.
  3. well to complicate matters more, it's a compilation. does that mean the recent Dylan Basement tapes is fair game too?
  4. yep. 2013. http://www.discogs.com/Courtney-Barnett-The-Double-EP-A-Sea-Of-Split-Peas/master/640464
  5. here are some off the top of my head....i reserve the right to flip through the stacks and edit as needed. ten for now mogwai - rave tapes warpaint - warpaint ty segall - manipulator white fence - for the recently found innocent shellac - dude incredible real estate - atlas lydia loveless - somewhere else israel nash - rain plans sleaford mods - divide and exit agalloch - the serpent and the sphere on the bubble and/or need more time to listen properly: drive-by truckers - english oceans thurston moore - the best day tweedy - sukierae courtney barnett - a sea of split peas steve gunn - way
  6. watched _Nymph()maniac part 1_ last night. i liked _Antichrist_ better... not sure if i'll bother w/ part 2.
  7. Ash Borer.... good band, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHI12Evx3NQ
  8. i used to hit Artrock every time i was in SF...i've got about 6 or 8 Kozik prints, most but not all of them framed.
  9. a couple friends went to Big Ears last year and said it was great. not too thrilled by next year's lineup, though.
  10. according to a friend: The last two songs with Tanya before the encore: Tanya:"Untogether" (Belly) "Sweet Ghost of Light" (from RH's "Eye") And the first three encores with Tanya: "Crystal Ship" (Doors), "River Man." (Nick Drake), and "The Bees" (Belly).
  11. OCB, sounds like a solid RH show... i've never been disappointed. this can't be the whole set list, can it? http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/robyn-hitchcock/2014/arts-at-the-armory-somerville-ma-2bcc547a.html btw, "NY Doll" is such an awesome song.
  12. please report back. i saw Tanya Donnelly tweet that she's gonna join in for some songs. wish i could make it, but i've got the kids and my wife is out of town. the one time i wished for a late show! I'm really psyched, as this is the first chance I've had to catch her live.
  13. fantastic show, even though Gruff was delayed and jet lagged. he really strung a great narrative together.
  14. no worries, glad you enjoyed it. at least Neil can still sing and play guitar. so he's got that going for him.
  15. yeah this is a great record. one of the few legendary lost psych/folk records with an Al Qaeda connection. unfortunately, all the available copies are boots... i did see a tweet from a friend who was holding an OG copy at Academy Records last week. not sure what the price tag was on that sucker.
  16. I can imagine Zorn can be prickly, and the interview did start out rather awkwardly but it soon picked up a lot of momentum and was a really good one. just to be clear, he didn't play last night...he got an honorary doctorate from New England Conservatory and was there as an honored guest, and the students played compositions of their choice. it was a wildly ranging program, as one might imagine, from the all-out skronk attack of "Warlock" to beatific six piece female a cappela madrigals, and some improv/prepared pieces ("Hockey"). when i was leaving the Newport Jazz Fest this year (i only w
  17. i am a registered D and voted for Baker.
  18. so that Zorn thing last night was really great...the students did a great job, and Zorn's Q&A was very insightful (even though he put the kibosh on taking questions from the audience towards the end, which the moderator suggested). seeing Cobra played was really quite neat.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekeOblgUHj4
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