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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. i thought Poor Places was on there...scratch my Side/Seeds call. i'm w/ bleedorange.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r10yjyCTcII
  3. who is pictured in your avatar, and are you a big fan of what appears to be women's volleyball?
  4. I'm guessing that it was intentional, with #20 acting as a 'fill in the blank' type gesture as each fan will always have their 'how could they possibly leave THAT song off?' moment.
  5. it was actually a good interview. i never listen to Stern, but it was on youtube so i listened.
  6. no. listen to his interview on Stern from last week.
  7. i know this is cherry picking, but it gets to the heart of my premise and a lot of the other examples that were listed would also fit... i don't think that *anyone* would say that The Kinks/Ray Davies best work was from the early-mid 80s, and the later output (while being anywhere from 'surprised it doesn't suck' to 'hey, a couple of these songs are solid' can't begin to hold a candle to their best work, stuff from Somebody Else or Face To Face or Village Green etc.
  8. Clearasil only works against anthrax; Medec is the efficacious one against ebola.
  9. luckily there's an experimental ointment that is showing promise against this:
  10. so his jab at 2nd amendment zealots negates his corollary re: flu shots?
  11. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/15/opinion/frank-bruni-scarier-than-ebola.html
  12. so Israel recognizes Palestine as a state, now that air travel has been restored? cool, glad it all worked out finally.
  13. i didn't realize there was a travel ban to israel. seems like it was 48hr and that other countries also did the same. i lose faith in humanity every time i read the comments section... http://abcnews.go.com/International/faa-extends-travel-ban-israel-24-hours/story?id=24680679
  14. i'm not talking about issuing passports or maintaining a no-fly list, i'm talking about completely sealing off all travel to and from certain regions. i figured that was obvious, but apologies for any ambiguity. if you ran the FAA and/or CDC, would you institute such a policy?
  15. yeah that was a really neat touch. i should start thinking about getting a room for next year.
  16. i think they were referring to the recordings that were available at The Loft installation. there was a listening station w/ a bunch of headphones and there were various things playing. i wish i had spent more time there...only listened for ~30 seconds or so. they should release another box w/ that stuff.
  17. it wasn't the Jim Elkington show. but shots of him and the cute guitarist from White Fence will be forthcoming.
  18. so should the government institute controls over how and where people travel, or would that turn them into a police state?
  19. White Fence last night. I still can't believe how different they are live vs record. such a great live band. and he recruited a super cute guitarist for this tour too... she wasn't in the lineup i saw a year ago.
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