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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. Tar Cows Roxy Music w/ Eno The Chameleons Spacemen 3 Flying Saucer Attack The Gordons Uncle Tupelo
  2. if you decide on a time and a place to meet, hopefully i can swing it.
  3. i think they kicked him and then he killed himself.
  4. but you know this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qB6XdAkkAo
  5. i saw them twice in 2008 but was unfamiliar w/ the new material, as it wasn't out.... i would later learn and love it, ranking In Prism as their best ever record. Siberia's pretty good too, but not to the same level. unfortunately, i guess they couldn't keep it together. I saw Ash during the Breeders show at Hopscotch last year and should have asked him about future shows.
  6. how about a closing acoustic set of Jeff and Jay?
  7. I had the white version of that shirt too. Kinda pissed that polvo never toured after putting out In Prism. My Dad Is Dead opened for them at The Orpheum on the Trompe le Monde tour.
  8. i wonder what the extent of financial largesse those particular covers afforded Meat Puppets. they certainly sold a lot of copies....way more than any Meat Puppets record.
  9. bummed i didn't get approved for Queen tonight.
  10. i've seen two of those bands. my mind was blown recently when talking w/ Tom Brewitt (Big Dipper bass player) at the recent GBV show, and he told me that he saw Electric Wizard at The Hideaway in 2002. The Hideaway was a tiny little shithole across the street from where I now work. had no idea.
  11. The only band I'd want to take a 2nd closing set slot from Wilco at SSF would be Electric Wizard or Kraftwerk.
  12. Day 1: http://photos.tinnitus-photography.com/solidsoundfest2011_day1 Day 2: http://photos.tinnitus-photography.com/solidsoundfest2011_day2 i remember because it poured before their 1st set, and rained a ton between Syl Johnson and their second set.
  13. the first year it was Wilco on sat night, Tweedy solo on sunday the next year Wilco did two sets the last time it was covers set on Friday and regular set Sat.
  14. the acoustic Cracker/CVB + Lydia Loveless show last night was quite excellent.
  15. For me, Girls Can Tell was their high point and it's been a steady decline.
  16. Steve can still play...was a tad unsteady at first, and then locked in just fine. they didn't do any of that stuff...the show was all of Close To The Edge and Fragile w/ a few other songs tossed in.
  17. seemingly at odds with each other, but Pollard definitely has a prog streak in his songwriting...click on the photo to hop to the review link.
  18. ok. i can scratch Negative Approach from the list.
  19. i think it's pretty clear that we need to delineate Punk, Pop Punk and Power Pop into different categories/threads. i was kinda going off what I imagine Say Anything might sound like.
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