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Ghost of Electricity

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Everything posted by Ghost of Electricity

  1. wow, i thought this board had stopped attracting new people. Welcome. And Lamrod's right about Being There, but not sure that one should get extra credit for liking (the phone in).
  2. It seems we've coughed up two more , "Senorita" is about a Mexican prostitute and "The Luck Between Her Legs" is, well, listen and you'll figure it out. http://www.reverbnation.com/losgasolineros Enjoy.
  3. I guess i grew up across the river from this @sshole. I hope he garnishes just enough press to ruin his livelihood selling insurance. Todd, don't worry, there's no way this f*cker will win
  4. Strange with all you folk liking the Polish food- I live here and think it's average at best. And it's beer is quite good at devaluating your head the following morning. where's Slubice?
  5. Holy crap. Poland is doing so bad in the economic crisis. They (we) managed to avoid going into recession during the first wave (I think the only European country that did though things did slow down. The Euro 2012 tournament is coming this summer so that should give an additional boost. But I guess we're no Apple. Oh well, our women are better looking.
  6. 90s all the way. and i see a pretty distinct difference between then and now, but that's probably because of where i was then. In addition to what's been stated (Son Volt, Jayhawks, Wilco) i'd add late UT (duh), Luna, tail end Feelies, Buffalo Tom, Pavement, the one good G Love record, Portishead, Freakwater, Teenage Fanclub, Johnny Cash American recordings, Rage Against the Machine, Abbey Road, and all the drugs I took.
  7. well he's better than Rick Springfield at any rate.
  8. Love Toots and Marley is pretty good but other than the fact that they're both Jamaican, I wouldn't really compare the two.
  9. It's a shame they only had one really good record in them. Damn, the 90's were great.
  10. Steely Dan. I can appreciate the musicianship, songcraft, etc. and recognize it as a job well done, but at the same time i think i'd rather listen to the ventilation hood over my stove. A lot of it is the voice. Similarly, I can't stomach CSN(Y) though Neil is tops in my book.
  11. thanks. it was also not broadcast where i live so this was my only opportunity to see it. i'll probably watch it several times.
  12. "Paying for studio time" might mean nothing if they were recording at the loft.
  13. I'm looking forward to the next studio record. i know this seems premature, but i remember hearing they'd recorded about 50 tracks for what became TWL, and even when you include all the bonus tracks there's still over 30 we haven't heard. There's got to be a few keepers in there- maybe enough to surprise us with a new lp release on short notice. (hey at least you can dream)
  14. Good times. I wonder how much rehearsal went into that- that "and and and" rising harmony is not a SOB to nail.
  15. The Gear Page is kind of like a snobby version of the Harmony Central forums. There's a section of the forum dedicated to buying/selling gear, but I think you have to be a member and logged in to access it. Can't vouch for it personally, having never used it, but it seems pretty sound: http://www.thegearpage.net
  16. Thanks. Next question: I've been thinbking about getting a small synth to add some layers to the music in a new project i'm involved in. Nothing which would be front and center, but atmospheric, layered, background kind of stuff. clicks and beeps and modulation sweeps, kind of like the layers mike adds, invisible but omnipresent at the same time. unfortuynately, his gear is wwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy out of my price range. I'd be looking for something which would be used as a stand-alone unit plugged into amp or p.a. (as opposed to running through a laptop-not looking for a cont
  17. Anyone know anything? I'm pretty sure he plays a Nord, thought it was an electro 2 (or 3) but just found something that said it was a Nord Stage. Anyone know anything about his set up, synths in particular?
  18. Though our drummer has more or less quit he will continue to record with us. Here's a link to the the first finished product of this new arrangement, which in February will make it onto a sampler for a magazine which has a circultation upwards of 10,000. http://www.reverbnation.com/artist/song_details/11540454 We have several more from this batch coming down the chute over the next few weeks, likely i'll post them here.
  19. i should stop paying attention to this thread- i've been GAS-free for almost a year but i sense a case of it coming on. that swart, by the way looks deflicious. i've heard really good things about those and would love to try one, which might happen in the next lifetime if i'mm reallly really good and fight the urge to buy new gear....
  20. I have experience in wanting both but no experience in playing either. The jazzmaster (should) have P90s, so I wouldn't get hung up on the "not another Fender" thing because you'll still be opening up new sonic territory. I've occasionally seen pictures of SGs with P90s too. What amp will this be going through?
  21. writer, dissident, president, friend of Lou Reed and the Rolling Stones. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-16236393
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