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Ghost of Electricity

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Everything posted by Ghost of Electricity

  1. I too would go with unique over bland and meaningful. I also would rather have a great album with a bland title than a bland album with a great title.
  2. There's something on Youtube under the title "Dawned on me" which I don't recognize, so I'm assuming it's a new one.
  3. Is this the point when we start debating whether to welcome or shun the newbies?
  4. See, your problem is that you went and trusted a music journalist.
  5. One advantage of having two CDs is that you can lose disc two within days of buying it, listen to disc one on repeat for weeks, and fall in love with it. Then you can wait years before getting around to disc two, and repeat the whole thing again. This was my Being There experience.
  6. Thanks for your support! Ave Maria and Disappointment date back about a year and Alaska maybe three years ago. The lineups are slightly different, and the current band lineup is different again. Each change has been for the better. We've been putting together more demos, when they come to something we'll probably end up giving those away too.
  7. maybe you could sue him. Lam Nap could be your lawyer.
  8. Dang, that's purdy. I tried Googling snatches of the lyrics but that didn't help. Nor did the website for either organization mentioned in the video. sorry.
  9. For a thread purportedly about a new Wilco record, this reads an awful lot like an obituary.
  10. I'd like to hear him use the '60 Gretch Tennessean on a Wilco record.
  11. A quick ebay search has 1963 335s (if that's what it is) going for between 10K and 30K- potentially quite a find.
  12. According to thisit would be a 1963. And it looks pretty similar to this , except for the tailpiece. It looks like there's a label on the inside of the guitar-any info written on there? Nashville or Kalamazoo production line?
  13. My band Los Gasolineros have decided to release everything we've ever recorded on a “pay-what-you-want” basis. Feel free to visit our ReverbNation profile. First have a listen to any or all of our music. Everything is there from the very early days as “Gasoline” through every formation of the band right down to the present. If there's something that tickles your fancy, download it. If you'd like to pay for it you can make a donation to our paypal account: gasolineros”at”gmail.com. Tell your friends, and thank you for your support. Mods, if this post/thread is considered too spammy, please re
  14. That's essentially what we're doing. The added bonus is that the program we're working with can automatically transcribe it to horn-friendly clefs.
  15. So I'll try to summarize a bit of what i've been learning. Bear in mind though, this is all theoretical research and I haven't had the chance yet to get into the studio and let my ears test it out. When I do, I'll update. I'll try to put this as simply as possible...Hope it may be helpful to some and those in the know please correct me when and where I'm misguided. 2 Horns #1: Move in parallel an octave apart, e.g.tenor sax plays the root note and the trumpet plays the root note one octave higher. This is called "unison octave." So the sax plays a C and the trumpet plays the C an octav
  16. Yes some good info here- and I've been finding more good info in my virtual perigrinations. When I get the chance I'll pass on along a bit of what I've "learned." Meanwhile, if anyone else has suggestions, I'm all ears.
  17. wow that is close to the border. the nearest town, Przemysl, is fairly sizable so might be a logical place to look for distant relatives. Anyway, if you ever take steps to make this a reality, my offer stands.
  18. I started a thread elsewhere asking for examples to listen to, this one dedicated to technical tips/advice for anyone who has had experience arranging horns. Let's talk theory!
  19. I'm doing some horn arranging for the band I play in, but am a bit out of my league. Part of my crash course will entail listening to examples of how it's done well. This is in the rock and roll vein, so I'm looking for examples along the lines of "Monday" or "Tumbling Dice." All your erudite help is much appreciated!
  20. what town is this? I'd be happy to help in any way if i can.
  21. I was listening to Jay Bennett's "Kicking at the Perfumed Air" the other day and was getting into "Hotel Song," and the solo in particular. It is all over the place,almost a random collection of notes which doesn't seem to make sense, but somehow works without being just a noise freakout. This got me thinking about other examples of this type of guitar work, of which two occurred to me: parts of "Spiders(Kidsmoke)" and Lou Reed's "Waves of Fear." Can anyone add to this list?
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