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Ghost of Electricity

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Everything posted by Ghost of Electricity

  1. Aw, jeeze, here it comes- the end of speculation and the beginning of the love, the hate the petty bickering over minutae, the side-taking, the mudslinging...won't be long now folks...
  2. When I listened to it at work something was messed up with the computer and everyone's voices sounded like the chipmunks. i guess i haven't spoiled the new record for myself.
  3. Good luck! When it's time to jump across the big pond, let me know.
  4. I didn't say it was. I was merely pointing out the fact that Wilco was one of two bands who rose from...never mind... Stick with your release date chronolgy if you want. I'm more interested in music than publishing details, and they were recorded when they were recorded.
  5. well, I was ambivalent at best about the last record and I remain cautiously optimistic about this one, so i guess that puts my hand sheepishly near my ear if we can take it by degrees, and down if we can't.
  6. Anodyne should get at least parenthetical reference as the current lineup has exactly as much in common with ST, BT, and AM as it does with the last UT lineup.
  8. My f*%king sound card blew up and I can watch this but not hear it. Based on the comments above i'll be in for a treat when I get to heart it (at work tomorrow?) but I'm well aware of the danger of high expectations, so please, someone tell me this sucks.
  9. how good? hollywood town hall good or just rainy day music good?
  10. Maybe I'm naive, but I'd like to think that if she had put out another record and it sold well, it would have had something to do with the fact that she was talented and could sing.
  11. Well, if as you sat she is ultimately responsible, then you can't rightly put the responsibility on someone else shoulder's too.
  12. 1. A friend introduced me to UT and gave me a third generation cassette which I played the hell out of. I was living abroad and this was the days before internet, so all I knew about them was the name. A couple of months later a friend sent her some cd of two new bands, Son Volt and Wilco. 2. The next summer I was back stateside and there was something called Sunshine Fest or something like that in Wisconsin somewhere near the Illinois state line. There were two big bands on the bill, Wilco and the Jayhawks. Wilco played first, they had just hired a new guitarist, some dude with red dr
  13. wish i hadn't asked because now i want what i cannot have.
  14. If there are i'm not that savvy. they claim they're trying to change it, so i'll check back in a few weeks. edit: just checked spotify and that ain't available here either.
  15. I've been politely locked out of the party due to living in the wrong place. Is it something like last.fm?
  16. I really like what I've heard of this band, and actually it's thanks to you Crow. Especially the Paste magazine sessions you can find on youtube. That said, the material I've heard from the e.p. seems stronger than the l.p. stuff i've heard. I own neither, but probably will when i get off my lazy butt.
  17. Said philosopher number one: Happiness is relative. A good bowel movement can be as satisfying as sex given the right circumstances. To which philosopher number two replied: Either you are horrible at making love or you really know how to take a shit.
  18. I think I'm going to like most of this thread.
  19. That would at least explain why it isn't getting released until three months after it's completion. Anyway, I like the cover. Reminds me of Louise Nevelson or something.
  20. I think a lot of the new record will depend on the production. I remember hearing an early live version of "You never know" and digging it because of the driving, "I'm waiting for my man" style piano. Then the record came out and the piano was as flacid as a septuagenarian who'd drunk too much whiskey and forgotten to take his viagra. I imagine i would have felt differently about that song had it resembled a stainless steel cucumber.
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