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Ghost of Electricity

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Everything posted by Ghost of Electricity

  1. they've never made "another one just like" the previous one so I'm not too worried about that.
  2. it really depends on where your overdrive is coming from. If you are using your amp's overdrive, it is generally considered to be a bad idea to put reverb in front of it. if you are getting your OD from a pedal and setting your amp gain low enough for plenty of head room, putting a reverb between the OD pedal and the amp shouldn't be a problem. this is the conventional wisdom. the conventional wisdom is something you should trust less than your own ears. only you know the sound you are after, so i would say borrow a reverb pedal from a friend(if you don't have your own), experiment, and
  3. For a minute I'll entertain your assumptions as fact. On the one hand we have a handful of people being unknowingly given a drug which a)has no known negative mid- or long-term side effects, and b)documentary evidence shows they were enjoying. On the other we have entire populations of people who, over the course of decades, have been exposed to government-approved known carcinogens. I guess you're right, there is no comparison. By cloaking the one thing in the language of "military testing" and the other in language of "clinical trials" it is easy to vilify one and justify the o
  4. For the "Don't do it" category- Tom Waits "Better off without a wife" another one for the the same category more in the vein of the one you posted is the Carter Family "Single girl, married girl"
  5. Cool- be sure to share your discoveries! What's the native local language? Are you out of range of the griot/kora tradition?
  6. Just as those recruits agreed to eat those little bart simpsons. Really? state your sources please. Guilt by association? Yikes! Like I said before
  7. You still have not adequately demonstrated that these soldiers have not consented. The only evidence is the voice-over. While I would not consider it a reliable source, it is thus far the only source.
  8. On the issue of informed consent, Do you honestly know the results of every clinical test concerning every chemical additive in every food or beverage that passes your lips? I don't. But you agree to eat them. You and I are the victims of something which is worse than clinical testing, because it has been approved and we take it every day, and the potential results of which are far worse than a few perhaps pleasurable hours laughing in the face of your commanding officer.
  9. My point was that medicinal drugs before FDA approval and after can be highly unpredictable. Admittedly, I pulled the word cancer out of thin air. But if you think that researches know everything about the drugs commercially available then you're taking a potentially dangerous leap of faith. Chantix, for example, is an anti-smoking drug which has been commercially available with a prescription since 2006. At some point there was a sufferer of Ataxia who took it to quit smoking and reported that his balance improved (Ataxia affects balance amog a plethora of other things). The doctor's
  10. Now i want to ply you with questions about Burkina Faso. For example, where in Burkina Faso are you? Also, there's a lot of West African music I like, mostly from Mali and Senegal. That's in your neighborhood, so that leads me to wonder whether there's any good local music there.
  11. Which is precisely the nature of an experiment. when a cancer patient volunteers to try a new drug as a part of a medical study, they don't have enough information to give truly informed consent either. After all, there's the possibility the drug might kill them quicker than the cancer. If they were duped into it, there's no question that it is, at best, distasteful. However, there's no evidence that the soldiers in this video were a part of project bluebird, you're all just assuming (as someone has already pointed out). Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Wait till you
  12. cool, i like what you're doing with, um, limited resources. Is that a kazoo? I was about to ask where in Africa you are, but then I saw your link in your signature, so I'll be reading your blog to find out more.
  13. i watched it earlier before any other posts had been made, and i can't watch it now, but i do remember the narrator saying they were all volunteers. my memory is highly fallible, however, possibly due to similar experiments that were carried out on me by myself.
  14. A new record?! Wow! In the picture it looks like Mark O. is playing the bass and Marc P.(?) is playing acoustic guitar...strange. Also, Gary is on an acoustic. I would hope he would dig his SG and fuzz face out for this momentous occasion. I knew 2011 was going to better than 2010.
  15. The thread should be retitled: "will the next wilco album suck ass?"
  16. This is live, but I know these guys traveled to Nashville from Perth, Australia, and Coomer produced their record. That was a year or two ago, so yeah, it looks like he's doing the producer thing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNRPWXeTJL8&feature=related
  17. I don't suppose any of you speak Polish, but if you do, this is hilarious. If you don't, it may still be entertaining to watch an idiot in action. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzCaowoZg_A
  18. The lower the expectation bar is set, the less chance there is of being disappointed. Set it low enough, and you might actually be pleasantly surprised when said record comes out.
  19. I don't talk to girls, I talk to women. And usually I don't talk like this around women. When I want them ignore me, this is in fact one of the tricks I use.
  20. Dear Fellow Wilco-heads, You are not dumb-asses. You must know that great records are made by people either in their turbulent youth or in their declining, contemplative years. Jeff Tweedy, with help, has made several great records in his turbulent youth. Now he is in the doldrums of middle age, and therefore can not be expected to produce either a work of innovative genius or a statement of reflective wisdom. The best we can hope for is a record of solidly-written songs performed by a band which has excellent chops. Will live up to the high standard set by such masterpieces as B
  21. A friend of mine is doing research in the U.K. about priests with AIDS. She has access to documents that are classified, and will continue to be for something like 50 years. The reason they're classified is that the info they contain is too dangerous to the status quo. So maybe there's internal church pressure for change too.
  22. Come on. You gonna put Wilco milk in this? That milk is coming from the Wilco cow, which is definitely being milked here. I hope they're putting as much time energy and effort into the next record as they are into marketing themselves.
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