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Ghost of Electricity

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Everything posted by Ghost of Electricity

  1. I do not live in France. And yes we have math. In fact the math scores of kids coming out of schools here kick the ass right off the math scores of kids in American high schools. What we have, which enables these sort of things, is taxes.
  2. Where I live higher education is free. I happen to think that is admirable. Progress is possible, but not unless people are prepared to push for it. Though I do not agree with their means, the goal is a good one.
  3. Am I to understand that you are both in favour of the skyrocketing costs of higher education? If this makes any sense, it is none that I can see. If it is the rich you are against, what better way is there to ensure their elitist status than denying higher education to the middle classes by pricing them out of it? Or maybe it is activism itseld you are against?
  4. What are the chances of you finding one of those under the tree next week?
  5. I have a baseball with both his and Satchell Paige's autograph.
  6. My nine-year-old son is getting interested in animation, so I'm thinking of getting him the hardware he needs to do it as his Christmas gift. Only I'm dreadfully ignorant about this. Digital camera or video camera? What features are desirable? What kind of software do i need? If anyone knows anything, your help would be greatly appreciated.
  7. I think there's a comfort threshold that needs to be crossed before people are compelled to action. For some reason the threshold has been lowered in the States. The economic crisis came close to it, but not close enough to inspire people to do anything other than vote for Obama. Maybe people in Europe have a better understanding that change has to come from the bottom up, not the top down. That said, I am not a proponent of achieving change through violence.
  8. No. In Greece they are. In London, it's about the gov't tripling university fees, so I guess you could relate that to the economy. In Moscow it's a mixture of ethnic tension and football hooliganism. In Rome it's because Berlusconi survived his vote of no-confidence.
  9. A woman says to her doctor: kiss me the doctor says: sorry I can't a few minutes later the woman says: doctor, pleas! kiss me. doctor: I told you I can't! a few minutes later the woman says: doctor please! just once I'm begging you! kiss me! doctor: look, I probably shouldn't even be f*cking you!
  10. The last several days have seen riots in London, Rome, Moscow, and Athens. All for different reasons. What the f*ck is up?
  11. Wilco Olson-era Jathawks Dylan Velvet Underground Pavement Replacements Feelies
  12. Loose Fur doing "Rock, Salt and Nails" from a show I don't know when. (Or is it called "Rock Salt and Nails"? I really don't know)
  13. I have the same thing with CSN. Like some of their respective related work (Crosby in Byrds, Stills solo, etc) but put them together and the harmonies grate. And usually I'm a fan of vocal harmonies. When Neil Young joins them is about the only time they're tolerable.
  14. A guy I knew in college got drunk, mistook his roommate's computer for a toilet and leaked on it.
  15. Steely Dan. It's the vocals. I can understand why some might not like the Decembrists or Hold Steady based on the vocals. I don't have a problem with them, but I can understand why someone might. For me, it's Steely Dan. The vocals just annoy me, I can't help it.
  16. What are the chances that "Poop Rocket" will be an apt description of the next Wilco record?
  17. recently I gave a wilco-virgin friend of mine YHF to listen to and he said he was underwhelmed. Then I gave him Being There and was much more positive. It reminded me of how I grew to love YHF myself, rather than it hitting me all at once. To me it's a unified piece that can't justly be broken down into songs. Like if you take a chapter out of a book to anthologize it,the book can't be done justice. Even a decade later, it's still growing on me.
  18. at least we should try to enjoy it on ction's terms, though
  19. When the new record finally comes out, I bet that some people here will spend more time whining about how it sucks than actually listening to it. Some may even be so busy whining about how they expect it will suck that they won't even get the chance to listen to it.
  20. I like both approaches. I would actually lke to see Tweedy try something like looping as it might move him a bit out of the comfort zone he's in. Even if he sucked at it, it would be good to see him taking some risks again. I also like the name of this thread as it reminds me of Tweety Bird.
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