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Everything posted by jimmyjimmy

  1. Absolutely. His name comes up from time to time in the "Now Reading" thread. I've got the new one, "Invisible" but haven't gotten to it yet. Brooklyn Follies, Book of Illusions, Leviathan are all great reads.
  2. I spelled her name wrong BTW, it's "Neal". "Hud" is a great flick and hearing that voice of her's is always a treat ("Hud" is great on a lot of levels actually). It's funny, my oldest sister pulled out a well worn VHS copy of the Homecoming last week (holiday story the "Waltons" television show was based on), and freaked out when her tape machine ate it. Which reminds me I have to find that somewhere on disc. Patrica Neal plays the mother in that one. Speaking of classics, I watched the Americanization of Emily for the first time the other day. Fun watching an initially reluctant J
  3. Just finished this. I mentioned before I'm not an Eggers fan. Read A Heartbreaking Work... and was really turned off by it. However I really really enjoyed this. ( Hint, Maudie....I looking at you). NR:
  4. VC. A couple of file sharing music blogs who's names will remain anonymous here. Slate Salon NPR Here lately If Charlie Parker were a Gunslinger (tks Sir Stewart) and My Parents were Awesome .
  5. I saw the segment plugging Neko's appearance on TCM's "Now Playing" a couple of days ago. This whole thing just re-affirms my infatuation with the lady. Can't pick a favorite Allen film, it's just too difficult. Broadway Danny Rose is up there tho... Patricia Neal was/is awesome and alluring.
  6. We are only six strong this season in an office league. And we're all a little prone to ADD, in that we've been picking up and floating players all season long.
  7. I picked up Ricky early yesterday before Ronnie officially went on IR. The Dolphins have been one, if not the funnest team to watch since last season. You gotta love a guy like Ronnie Brown.
  8. Exciting. Hopefully the tour will swing down the eastern seaboard again. I'll certainly be plugging for her w/the local promoters. BTW...there's currently a Subaru TV commercial featuring "Before I knew". Kind of a neat treat to hear.
  9. Hunter Smith has an arm! Cut me some slack. We've had very little to crow about lately.
  10. First, Tom Waits. He'd be interesting. Fun. Probably a little resourceful too. Next, Shakira. Wait, I'm done. I can't get past Shakira.
  11. I'm not an Aerosmith fan, but have managed to read the entire thread over the last few days. A moment ago a thought crossed my mind: "Resident Aerosmith expert".
  12. Middle aged and overly nostalgic I enjoy LPs old or new and I don't mind scruffy examples of desirable stuff found in the used bins. I have always hated CD jewels. With a passion.
  13. Leva, ...levitation !
  14. This thread has done a good thing. I've had a copy of "What is the What" sitting at the top of a stack of books now for weeks, reluctant to try Eggers again. 50+ pages in and it's already terrific.
  15. Thank you. I've almost posted that sentiment three times now....
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