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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. I'd say one of the best changes is that he no longer scream-sings into the microphone all the time.
  2. Hats off to you, that is a pretty cool deal. I think it is cool because you are adding text, so it is not just another photo of an album cover. I am trying to recall what KISS vinyl I have. I think I only have the first album on vinyl.
  3. I've thought about doing that. Mainly, to show off the nifty gifties that use to come with albums. Of course, someone out there somewhere has already done that, I am sure.
  4. Come on Dave, Give Me a Break. I wish I had a reel to reel tape player. I have access to such things, but I don't own one.
  5. ABB Cuts Ribbon, Derek Trucks Breaks Leg I would like to go there some day. That reminds me, I still need to get that dvd.
  6. Here is a recent Sunday afternoon find: Slade - Hear Me Callin'
  7. I buy cds, that is about it. I bought more last year than I have in a long time. I probably have enough music to listen to for several years without really needing to buy anymore. But - we know how that goes. I have cds that I have never played before. On Sundays, I like to listen to old/new songs that I have never heard before by way of Youtube. I don't think I am really a completest on very many bands anymore. The few I can think of are: The Black Crowes (whose last album I listened to more than any new album in a long time), Wilco, U2, and Pearl Jam. And if Pearl Jam keeps making
  8. I think there was a Black Crowes video on Beavis and Butthead once. I think it was the one with the UFO.
  9. I was not busting on you. But I think if you listen to The Full Bug, you may feel better.
  10. VH - You are having another crisis of faith. Put on some Van Halen. I don't think I like music... ...the way i used to.
  11. Even worse - is some school teacher with a pony tail. You'd have to watch the dvd to see what I am talking about.
  12. Long hair is free for those who can afford it. . . He just seems a bit out of it.
  13. Do you think they will do what a lot of "old" bands do these days and play entire albums?
  14. I have seen video clips of the inside of some of those Japanese shops. There is quite a bit of stuff there to catch the eye. I think the Woodstock box set I use to have came from Italy. I got back in the early 1990s.
  15. Do you know Snookie? I recently got a Facebook page. I think it's just part of the evolution of things. I know people who use to fax back and forth. And then came email, Yahoo chat rooms, Yahoo messenger, AIM chat, message boards, My Space, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
  16. February 2008 You can go to Wilcobase and look at the set lists.
  17. I don't understand people buying bootlegs these days. With a computer, and the ability to make artwork, you can make your own "bootleg." Also, I have read that a lot of bootleg companies are now making their bootlegs from shows they get by way of BT sites. Particularly, when someone improves some old tape. Or a new source appears. I do know that sometimes board tapes appear from some old band that had previously not been out there. I have heard stories of people connected to the band members or roadies selling such tapes for quite a bit of money. So I guess that is still going on. I do u
  18. Taper's Section (April 26 - May 2, 2010)
  19. I'd rather go with the Trailer Park Boys reference. Chris sure comes across as a waster in the Cabin Fever dvd. Also, I don't think the audio on the soundtrack, is really the sound the band is making as we see the video. Am I wrong about that?
  20. I still think a lot of record companies, bands, managers, etc. don't understand the difference between tape trading (B & P or BT), and people selling bootlegs. Although, there are still bootlegs out there to buy. In Japan, there are entire stores devoted to bootlegs. I suppose I just don't get the fact that they allow taping, but only hand held taping. Some bands allow taping, but don't allow their shows to be traded by way of BT sites. I guess it is just their way of trying to keep people from selling their shows. Is there a large market for Pearl Jam bootlegs (that is people sel
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