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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. I would say I recall that, but it has been many years since the book left my hands.
  2. And in his book, Levon Helm goes against all that dude says in that book - also, ATMP, was a 3 record set.
  3. First Issue of Relix - November/December 1974
  4. I think he was mainly playing house parties, and doing some shows in Japan towards the end of his life.
  5. I friend of mine rather likes the first one of those - I have never heard it. I still believe the only Band albums anyone needs are the first two or three. I can't stand to watch The Last Waltz anymore, as I have seen it too many times. Plus, I have seen it talked about too many times on here. ha ha. I suppose you could say that he did not do all that well without the rest of them, either.
  6. I believe he only only did two lead vocals during his years in The Band - To Kingdome Come and Knockin' Lost John. I could be wrong, but I recall reading that somewhere.
  7. I don't know if these ads are running in all states, but, here where I live they are in heavy rotation: NRA Obama Ads
  8. I saw someone interviewed on CNN (I think) - and they said that they were voting for McCain as he would be the best person to stop the people in Iraq from coming over here and blowing up more buildings.
  9. Pro-McCain Group Dumping 28 Million Terror Scare DVDs in Swing States Voter Purging: A Legal Way for Republicans to Swing Elections?
  10. I've heard it. They all came out re-mastered with bonus tracks on Rhino, last year - you knew that though.
  11. The only thing post Zeppelin I ever got into was Robert's first solo album, Pictures at Eleven. I saw him on the Manic Nirvana tour, and I have that cd, signed by him. Come to think of it, I also have the Page/Plant cd and the No Quarter/Unledded dvd.
  12. I think in some ways, like Pink Floyd, they are holding themselves up to some standard - or Robert seems to be anyway. That is, one show, yes, but nothing else. In some ways, it is quite brilliant. I have never heard the Page/Coverdale album.
  13. I was thinking the same thing while I was watching those scenes of that dude in her class talking to her.
  14. The files are FLAC files (or in some cased SHN files), that is, lossless files. Mp3 files are lossy files. You will need to start with learning about FLAC files, and then go from there. Obtaining tracks form The Owl and The Bear has nothing to do with Bit Torrent - they are two different things. When you snag something from The Owl and The Bear, it is a direct download, that is, The Owl and The Bear are hosting the files, and anyone can just snag them directly. Although this stuff may seem overwhelming at the moment, it will be no big deal once you learn. And once you learn, it will open
  15. Someday - I am going to find or create a step by step screen shot how to for such things. There is probably one out there somewhere. Basically, after you download the torrent file, and it is on your desktop, then you need to open it with your BT client. You will also need to make a folder somewhere - as when you open the torrent file you downloaded, it will ask you where to save the tracks that will be coming in to your computer. Remember, BT works by everyone sharing. After you get that going on, there is, of course, some tweaking to do, - but you should not worry about that at the moment.
  16. I received Volume 1 of The Deadhead's Taping Compendium today - very good shape - except for a bent top right corner - but I can live with that. The amount of information in those books is astounding. Link
  17. Check this out - Brian's Bit Torrent FAQ and/or the links at the bottom of my signature line - or just get it from The Owl and The Bear as I mentioned above.
  18. The only time they have been released in this country besides the initial cd releases (which were terrible), was the 1993 boxset (and then individually in 1994). I have found the sound of the cds in the boxset to be not so great. It would be nice if they re-mastered them in HDCD - but I bet this is just going to the same versions as the 1993 boxset, only with fancy artwork. It is probably the same package that is available in Japan and the UK. Looks I am right:
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