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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. I just bought one of these for 300 bucks a few months ago - at Sam's Club. I don't have a boxspring - so I don't know about that. Also, I went to Walmart and bought a memory foam top - it was about $40.00 bucks, I think.
  2. If you go here: Cardinology, and sign up, Ryan will you send you some goodies. Ryan Adams & The Cardinals debut "Cobwebs" at The Fillmore in San Francisco on August 23, 2008. First time Cobwebs has ever been played live, and it was the show closer. There are some other new songs posted - if you look on the right side of the above posted video.
  3. After watching the video, I have to say that guy's step father was a Zodiac wannabe, or that he was indeed the Zodiac. I guess we shall see. Zodiac Killer Website
  4. As I recall, the character on the show was not gay - and that was not where I was going. It's just some weird shit that came into my mind.
  5. Tenspeed and Brown Shoe vs. McMillan & Wife
  6. I was glad to see he spoke of the work of President Clinton last night.
  7. I don't know about that - you should read the The Deadhead's Taping Compendium and/or Bootleg: The Secret History of the Other Recording Industry.
  8. Probably so - but, sharing commercial material, particularly Wilco material, is frowned upon here. If you do Bit Torrent, or search Mp3 blogs, I am sure it is out there to be had - somewhere.
  9. It's been cleaned up - I think it is on youtube - or was not too long ago, anyhow.
  10. Sorry - I will have to remember to do that this weekend.
  11. Video Interview with Dennis Kaufman
  12. As a veteran, I respect Senator McCain's military service - but, he is not who we need to be leading the country. 8? I'd say 4 was too many. I hope the young people out there are paying attention - and that they vote for Senator Obama.
  13. I meant - it cost the library money. I actually don't have any experience with doing ILL through a public library - only the one here at the university.
  14. Right when Jack starts talking? I see - you are right - my mind was playing tricks on me.
  15. World Cat Don't forget - Inter Library Loan costs money.
  16. I can't stand Rage Against The Machine - but at least they speak up. More photos - via Flickr. Change We Can Believe In - An Open Letter to Barack Obama
  17. I always thought it was cool - but, then again, I am from the boondocks. I would like to see the show Marty is going to do.
  18. Anyone have this channel RFD-TV? Marty Stuart is going to have show on there - like the old time country music shows.
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