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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. You don't want to listen to that stuff.
  2. I have learned that sometimes you just have to keep messing with such things until you get it - or get someone over to your place that knows about the stuff, or maybe even someone on here can talk to you on the phone about it. That is how I began to learn BT - Doubter taught me. If I knew about such things - I would. Maybe someone will step up here.
  3. maybe this site will help you -
  4. That's probably a good way of putting it.
  5. I think GNR was about that look - but they moved away from it. I have always thought they were like a harder Stones/Faces. You can most certianly hear this in Izzy's first solo album anyway. Although there are a few (Metallica, Megadeth, and some others that stand out) - really, the British had the best metal.
  6. Oh, I know that. I was just joking Reni.
  7. Exactly Metal for gurls My brother saw GirlSchool once.
  8. This is a metal thread, missy. Men only.
  9. I think the whole album is great. It's good music to sit down by the lamp and click it off and on while you listen.
  10. There was some (cool) dude on here who use to go into stores and lean on those DL records. I can't recall his name though. I bet he still hates them though.
  11. People think Glam - because of the WTTJ video - and early on, they were more dolled up. I could have actually seen them back then - I may have or may have not.
  12. Thanks everyone - that is the one I will get.
  13. I never considered them metal, and I bet Axl does not either.
  14. I don't think I really heard a song past the first album - or rather never owned any of them.
  15. No, he did GapĀ© commercials.
  16. Many, many bands/solo artists are doing them. Barry Manilow, Cyndi Lauper, Patti Smith, Def Leppard, etc. I know this is not the first time an artist has put a covers album - what I am saying is - there seems to be a lot of bands/solo artists putting them out one after another. Besides what I said before - this is also fallout from that piece of shit American Idol show - in that everyone can be a star - just by singing a song.
  17. I think so. When he was here, he drank nothing but Diet CokeĀ© on stage. And I understand he did not hang in the bar with the rest of the band.
  18. I preferred harder metal - although, I owned Shout At The Devil and Mental Health just like every other dude.
  19. Maybe it's like The Moody Blues - they went from Go No to Days of Future Passed (one of my favorite albums of all time). The Zombies, went from making pretty good British Pop to something more adult and meaningful - pretty cool I think.
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