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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. Speaking of Marc - he played a show with Lucinda Williams the other night.
  2. It could be. Whenever I see or hear that word I think of the great Pete demo (Melancholia) on the first Scoop album. I should listen to the whole thing some more.
  3. I would think Chris and Rich are doing alright. I don't know about the rest. We'll see. I would be very surprised if Marc ever played in the BC again. I think it would be Jackie or someone else. I rather like the Trigger Hippy album. It's not exactly my cup of tea, but it speaks to me.
  4. When I first got Netflix a while back I tried to re-watch the show for the first time since it was on. I could not get into it. I don't know if I would watch a new version or not.
  5. I finally got the album on Friday. I'd say I like the 2nd disc better than the first one.
  6. I guess Audley is not on the album. Although he is listed in some of the song credits. I got it today. I noticed there's an interview with Steve out there today where he says the Crowes are probably finished for good.
  7. We have that here on Netflix. I don't know if I will watch it or not.
  8. I can see how they would like him there - since he started making MOR type music.
  9. I didn't see this coming: Ryan covers Run To You
  10. Hard to believe it has been 30 years. I remember buying the first of several copies when it was first released. To me - it is one of the greatest albums ever made: The Unforgettable Fire at 30
  11. He's been saying that for several years. (You know that already - of course.)
  12. I see. "Carry on with the ABB" was probably a line to sell tickets.
  13. That's what I am now wondering. Maybe this is a typo. Or it is going to be one of those "all star jam" type of things.
  14. That's what I meant to say.
  15. It's Larry and his son. Much like Springsteen they seem to fail at album artwork these days. Yes
  16. I'll have to watch it again. I think I only noticed Conan, Andy, and Mabel Mavis the first time around. Ok - I forgot Glenn. And Sam Tweedy.
  17. I hope everything is alright. Sorry to hear that.
  18. I have not heard the album yet - so it will all be new to me.
  19. I wonder who all those people are? I think I could name three of them.
  20. There's a link up at Amazon now: Songs of Innocence I think I am going to go for the deluxe version. I am curious to hear those acoustic songs. And I have to disagree with some of the comments. There are some great songs on the last two albums.
  21. That's pretty cool. I wish I could have seen them back in the day. They never played here where I live as far as I know.
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