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roadhse ma

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Everything posted by roadhse ma

  1. Ok kiddies if you can't get along ... Get out of the Pool People come here to relax, update, get updated and make new friends ... Getting back on point I have seen ABB with Dickey and after he was shown the door as the band cleaned up (Fact)*and he refused to. *Road mngr for ABB lives 10 mins from me and those are his words exactly. Like many here I was too young ( a kid ) when Duane and Berry died. I have no qualms about the ABB picking up and moving on. It's a choice to buy a ticket to see three members of the original ABB Butch Jaimoe and Gregg. I was happy to buy a tkt for many a sho
  2. ThAtsA Nice I hope to hear my response to JT when he said "you willl never hear it played that way again " oh the response ? yes we will when we buy Roadcase ... Such a joker .. truly a great show and run!
  3. Rest in Peace, Mayor you got Boston in the dark ages of the end of racism, and brought our city to a better place. You were a strong advocate for the gay and lesbian community and the inner city* came first for you. *inner city Boston( where I grew up) changed for the Positive because of you. Now you are in a better place ... This will be the second Mayor Wake I will attend. I along with 100,000 plus other grateful citizens http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2014/1 ... story.html
  4. From the aforementioned article by Fricke/ RS During the intermissions, a curious message appeared on the large video screen behind the band: "The road indeed goes on forever. So stay calm, eat a peach and carry on . . ." I like it!
  5. Woa so tempted Went Tues 7 hrs of driving ...too much for the week So good of you to post it here! Also stunning Pic enjoy
  6. Ok this one time .. You get a pass.. Kudos on getting to the last ABB gig for awhile fingers crossed for Gregg's health and maybe the road will go on and we will see them onstage again in a couple of yrs..Glad you got a Great Show last night what a memorable week for you!
  7. I don't mind squirrel once in a while Taste like Chicken
  8. Late one last night, well worth the trip down from Boston / anyone else making it definitely take CT 15 Back to show .. Am I right that there was no announced song request ? Still High on the Show Seeing Tweedy at Berklee was Very Good. Seeing them altogether is Tremendous!
  9. The choices of songs set the tone for a mostly rocking night. I'm grateful they wanted to come out of the gate with so much for a night 1. 3) observations Jeff counted off a song to start reminded me of Springsteen and I liked it also be played guitar very well tonight. It was my first time since 08 they did not play Impossible Germany / not a complaint for it could have been played at a cost of Shot in the Arm and man that Song lit up the Band and the Audience. Overall the sound on the floor / between Nels & Jeff was well balanced. Till next time ...
  10. Got the email but glad you posted as I will scan the Fallon website tomorrow at the office for a 15 minute break .. Will serve me well as a warmup for tomorrow night
  11. Your are quite welcome we have been doing things like this on the Springsteen / Backstreets website for over 13 yrs now We also organize Pre Show meet ups where it turns into a fundraiser for a local Foodbank. Hoping the concept will catch on here someday ... In the near term I'm very excited to be going to one of these shows !
  12. Was just online checking for a friend Go get them instead of scalpers Actually just called to get local parking & restaraunt tips and lady was very cool. She indicated that they are releasing very small batches for "Those Fans that are Paying Attention." My friend was one ! http://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/mobile/index/674949?__utmx=-&__utmv=-&__utmk=83642262&__utmz=1.1414425339.2.2.utmcsr%3Dgoogle%7Cutmccn%3D%28organic%29%7Cutmcmd%3Dorganic%7Cutmctr%3D%28not+provided%29&__utma=1.644856635.1409679949.1409679949.1414425339.2&__utmc=1&__utmb=
  13. No Dickey?Lots of rumors .. One of the last ones.. How was the Show ?
  14. Actually it's good to see his name about 10 yrs ago I brought my Wife to see him at Boston Symphony Hall.Very enjoyable wanted to see him for awhile perhaps he will stop back to Boston again. I got The Jayhawks at Somerville Theatre Monday Followed by a Band from Chicago at Port Chester Tuesday
  15. Good thread ! Bob Seger sure surprised me when I found this cover from 72 Midnight Rider http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oZ0MvuFppCI
  16. Gregg appeared same at Newport late summer as well. However his vocals were spot on his band had their moments.Of course Gregg's band is not 1/2 as good as the ABB. been to many a show in the last 20 / every trip Boston in the last decade. I'm so dam glad I took my kids ; late teen and early 20s to see them last yr!
  17. Thanks So Much ! Glad you got to ABB . I caught seen them many times caught Gregg and Warren this summer (at different venues ) I know all Port Chester Shows will be worth the 3 to 4 hr trek. I will ck out these spots. Looks like from the response, will have a whole lotta room to move on the GA floor .
  18. Hi Folks I'm not the only crossing a state line to attend. So where are you coming in from? Boston, Ma for me. Also is any locals can make ; 1) parking recommendation 2) decent pub food A big Thanks!! Also if interested in a low key meet up suggest that also ... I will be on the early side, as holding tickets to the Cattle Barge ( GA's)
  19. He was over 50 for D&D since you like that one give a listen to what many feel is his best solo work " Nebraska "
  20. Cool Pic !I was intrigued by the "Wilco Towers " Not to by hijack thread but this also relates to subject in above Jayhawks tweet http://www.avclub.com/video/chicago-the-wilco-towers-57336
  21. After occasionally looking at this thread over the years, and hearing them now and again on the last independent radio station in Greater Boston. .. I have taken the plunge and bought a ticket for Somerville Theater (night before Wilco on NY) But great concert music always seems to come in waves so yep I will be hitting both. Carry on
  22. That was the same weekend as the 1st Solid Sound otherwise I would have been there. They were supposed to sing together during the encores Joe Still wanted Peter to join them but got out voted. Just like our politicians it's hard to get agreement, although it would have been a nice treat for fans of both bands. Not ever going to happen again.
  23. Yep I was there seated a few rows ahead of them same side She wore a dress and boots.But I did not even notice her ...
  24. For me the Best Record of a Singing Songwriter of 5 Decades is The Rising. as was pointed out above he was 51.The subject matter ( not an easy one) he met head on ; The Loss and Pain from 9/11 and as a writer he powerfully projected those elements of loss in the song You're Missing from the viewpoint of a Firefighters Wife that longs for her Hiusband. Not only did this help people understand and relate to those whom lost someone it also ( I believe ) affected his son Sam that just became a NJ Firefighter.
  25. A surprise a last minute ticket purchase for 49 bucks Fleetwood Mac Thanks to local tkt outlet .. Money well spent Great Show ! Songbird alone was worth the cost. Ok Silver Springs and oh World Turning Rocked!
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