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Everything posted by MCHowdy

  1. Why does anyone think this is done well? It's pretty bad. Every single time it's posted.
  2. Wow! Which would be a kinda cool, much more intense version. I like it.
  3. Well, there's arguing because you believe in something, and then just arguing because you have a rep for doing so on the Wilco board. You fell victim to the latter. I think you made some fine points.
  4. My god this has made me happy. The entire thread!
  5. The boxing metaphor in the first verse kills it for me before it really gets started. Tired, cliched.
  6. Well, I threw out something like "direct" in talking about one song. Rather, I said the song had "little waste", but it amounts to the same thing in this case. Never said that other albums don't contain songs with direct lyrics, and I'm not certain anyone else did. And I think the distinction between "direct" and "indirect" is obvious enough that there's hardly much to say other than "direct". It's just that simple.
  7. Didn't want this to go unresponded to. You are EXACTLY right! And I love me some Badfinger.
  8. I like the lyric. Very little waste, paints a nice picture to me, but we can agree to disagree. My main point is that hearing it in a CVS (or any store for that matter) should have no bearing on the song's real impact. And I'd argue that the guitar work is more than nice. The build up from the sparseness at the beginning of Nels' solo, to the three-part interplay near the end is gorgeous and tense, and the release of the tension with the power chord that ends the solo is great on the album, and even better live. Listen to the Boston recording from the Evening With shows and you can hear
  9. You know, whenever I listen to Side With Seeds, which I love, and of course never bother to look up the lyrics, I always sing the intro as "Tssslalllppppp thshssatss ssgggg/Where the blsssslanggsss stoph cracks.....". And my 6 month old loves it.
  10. Agreed! My god that is bad. Sorry.
  11. I find this post a little strange. First of all, CVS? If your CVS is playing IG, it's the coolest CVS I've heard of. Second, cringe? Really? Is it the impossibly great guitar work? The lyrics? ??????
  12. You Are My Face, followed by IG. Both are also amazing live.
  13. Yeah, we need a better descriptive term!
  14. Agreed, perfect closer. I think Poor Places would be a rough place to be left. I think the album is so well put together, of such a piece, it's hard to dislike any portion of it, as one song follows another in such a way that I can't imagine it any other configuration without the whole suffering.
  15. I hate to say it again, but You and I is WAY cheesy. There's good cheesy to me (HMD is in that category) and bad. You and I is hard to take.
  16. Damn hard decision. I'm going with WOW only because it sounded terrific during the "Acoustic" set during An Evening With Wilco. And great harmonies.
  17. I read it, and I hear what you're saying. But I also like that late Zeppelin, for the same reason as the other poster here: it wasn't ruined for me by fm radio. Zeppelin II is an album I can no longer stand. My music discussion buddy and I have been having the same back and forth as you and your friend. I have a couple of thoughts on the subject. First, this is the longest continuous line-up Wilco has ever had. Hasn't it been like 7 years now? As a live act, that has made them incredible. I can't emphasize that enough. I've seen every Wilco line-up, and this one seems able to do anyth
  18. Oh, also the piano work all through the last three minutes of IATTBYH. I've always been aware of it, but listening to it on the recording of the Boston show from 4/6/10 sent shivers through me.
  19. John's bass work in You Are My Face, especially the intro. I think SBS is his best album.
  20. I was at the Boston show. The set was fantastic, 39 songs total, the sound good, and the energy of the band terrific. They had the night previous off, which may have helped. Jeff heaps some praise on the Boston crowd if you have the recording, but Wilco has had a pretty longstanding love affair with the area.
  21. Been listening to it in the car all weekend, JMal, where it sounds fantastic. One of the best recordings I have by Wilco, just a terrific show. Thanks again!
  22. Boyo! In Jones Hill here. Good to hear from Dot types.
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