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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. at least three of those dolls look like Dr. Zaius from POTA.
  2. Kyle, I believe I framed it up as an 'absolutely horrible incident' and I gave an honest response reflecting how I kind of found it a little personally offensive and irrelevant to turn this into another rallying point against the government/'war on terror'. Point taken on the way I served it up and i'll leave it at that. Outside of that, I just remember how detached from the harsh realities of life my days in school seemed sometimes. A girl was raped on campus and it kind of shattered that air of absolute safety...I can only imagine what this feels like. Just fucking awful.
  3. one fucking post and the bitching started a long time ago, but you got it, kyle. sorry.
  4. 29 posts before this absolutely horrible incident turned into another rip on the government...well done.
  5. That's not what I meant...I really don't expect anybody to read ALL of anybody's posts. By saying I thought that you hadn't, it was because you seem to contunually miss my point and went so far as to say I wasn't interested in the actual issues...problem seems to be my opinion that there are several issues in the context of this scenario, not just imus. which is fine. no worries, no need to get defensive.
  6. you obviously haven't read all my posts, not that I expect you to. the personalities involved are part of the issue I have. it's not just a question of sharpton being an opportunist, it's how his actions put further racial divide in place more powerful than anything dom imus has ever said. it's also an issue about double-standards and lack of focus on more damaging language out there than this not being addressed. i've never defended what imus said or said that it wasn't wrong...i think the punishment and how it actually came about was even more damaging. that's all
  7. Sycophant may not be the same as racist, but c'mon...somebody who thinks Imus shouldn't have been fired is on par w/ a buddy of David Duke? Please. but his role isn't immaterial though. he's holding someone to a standard, actually, asking that someone is kicked out of their job for saying the same thing, w/ a lot less malice and tons less effect, than members of the community he supposedly leads. the end result IS the wrong one and sets a horrible prescedent. again, i'm not saying he shouldn't have been punished...but to literally take down not just Imus, but a whole fucking radio station an
  8. the point is, this whole thing is a bigger issue than just a stupid dj saying something even stupider and getting fired over it. how can that idiot say that sharpton had no bearing in anything?! het took some awful statement and then amped up into something 10 times worse.
  9. i think you were more dismissing than addressing...at least initially. frankly, I think the role of the media and race in our judicial process is something to be just as concerend about. that and you're almost saying: 'you aren't guilty of raping that particular woman, but you're guilty of making it harder to convict those who are actually guilty.' the sliding scale of suffering is kind of bush league. it's like telling someone they shouldn't be upset about anything because there is always somebody out there worse off than you.
  10. By saying that all those things 'don't matter', I can't take that piece seriously. He's assuming everybody asking for equal focus on the double-standards is only doing so out of support for Imus...that makes me one of his 'cronies' and, again inferring i'm a racist. Total bullshit.
  11. kate, don't try to preach to me about Dr. King...my issue was against 'agitators for profit'...self profit. The two fundamental differences are the power the 'dominant culture' had at the time versus today, the rights Dr. King and all those around him were fighting to wrestle from their grasp. The more disturbing second difference, is that Dr. King really wanted equality...sharpton/jackson just want to get paid.
  12. I can't worry about both? Fick, that's just bush league. Wow, just...wow.
  13. Dude, look at the clip of Imus on Sharpton's radio show...he said 'i can't get a word in edgewise w/ you people' (meaning the people on that show) and sharpton jumped on that w/ 'what do you mean by YOU PEOPLE?!' shit like that. that a really minute example, but like cryptique said...show me who's enagaing these guys in the media right now. bigger than that, if you think that meeting at CBS was an intelligent discussion/debate versus a flat-out demand...c'mon. Stand up to them and you're against the black community, not just against to windbags out to make another dime off of the aforementi
  14. it's not just the black community i'm worried about. this puts a potential damper on unbridled debate...who can step up and challenge assholes like this for fear that they'll be labled a racist? people like sharpton and jackson MAKE things an issue of skin color, even when it may not be there. john smith's post did hit a little bit of a nerve for me, as it illustrates exactly what i'm talking about. i'm about as far from a racist as you'll find and the reason i'm rallying against al/jesse is due to the fact they are actually harming the same communities they say they are trying to lift up. h
  15. I'm requesting your resignation as I type this. Just know it's not about taking you down, it's about doing what is right.
  16. agreed. if find it amazing both these incidents are happening in exact paralell, w/ some of the same parties involved...and it's not getting flipped the other way around on sharpton/jackson. at least oprah is having the duke players on too...i'd protest that sharpton/jackson should be fired, if i could figure out who they actually are employed and get paid by. all that said, if anybody thinks how these cases intertwine and how the double-standards used in both won't change the face of alot of things...that they won't up the racial tension thermometer another 10-20 degrees...you're nuts.
  17. $10 each of these guys spilled beer on somebody, used their chellphone and talked loudly at a wilco show. this thread is fucking amazing. again, I have to wonder if some people can see past the 50,000 pound chip on their shoulder and really want true equality.
  18. I can only speak for myself when I say that the reason i'm ranking on Sharpton and Jackson, is that their agendas are decidedly and extremely different than that of Dr. King. They really are 'agitators'...actually, agitators seeking to profit. Dr. King truly wanted equality for ALL, whereas Sharpton and Jackson want the divide to continue. I really do long for a day when we really are all equal...but that means that we all are going to have toughen up a little and not cry bloody murder every time someone says something we don't like. Really, did Imus calling these girls hos really turn them in
  19. Again this is a great op ed piece by another black journalist on why this REALLY sucks... ...i'm really curious on just how much of the 'black community' really gave a shit about what Imus said until Sharpton and Jackson got involved. Again, this a bigger travesty than just some washed up DJ getting canned...it's just digging a bigger hole for people of color to get out of.
  20. it's too easy that she's following ben's plan verbatim...i think she is following it to a point and then will use it against him.
  21. Opie & Anthony. I've been listening to them since they came on to replace Stern's original replacement here in Chicago. They aren't anywhere near as good as Stern, but they had a killer moment within discussion of this whole debacle the other day, when Whoopi Goldberg called their radio show during hers to get on their case for defending him and stated Imus should be fired. She hung up when they brought up: A-man, none of those examples you brought up were anything racially or even gender motivated. However, I know there are urban radio stations w/ black DJ's they are constantly rippi
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