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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. If you did the show phonetically in the same style you spell, i'd listen ever yday.
  2. I agree. If they stocked this thread at Best Buy, there would be 30-40 copies of it in the popular selections display right up front in between the new Chingy and Clay Aiken CDs.
  3. Sean did, w/ the exception of the Bad Brains.
  4. That guy wasn't a Best Buy employee, it was Pat Sansone and you should have asked for an autograph.
  5. Oh snap. That would suck. Maybe he's just promoting something else?
  6. Any of those motherfuckers dare roll their eyes at me, I whip out a Jim O' Rourke CD from my back pocket and bludgeon them within an inch of their life with it. then I spray paint 'NELS CLINE: BEST GUITARIST EVER' on their unconscious body and piss all over the 3 Doors Down CDs.
  7. where the hell on their site do you see the guests for next thursday?
  8. I have a new drinking game. Take 1 shot every time some references 'frat boys' in one of these threads, 2 shots anytime uses the diss 'douchebag' and 3 shots everytime someone complains that there were too many 'talkers'. You'll be hammered and should stay away from attending a Wilco show for at least 24 hours.
  9. That's not entirely true...that Ethan dude from Season 1 just about killed Charlie and roughed up Jack something fierce. Another fine episode. I like how i'm getting some answers and yet enough questions to make me excited for next week. Fick, who do you think is going to die? Man, I hope it's not Clarie's baby.
  10. If the ghost of Vincent Price ever ran for office, i'd vote for him in a minute.
  11. He's just droppin' some science to keep shit straight. Nothing wrong with that.
  12. that's what the current administration wants you to believe. however, I think her apperance at some Dead/jamband shows have been well-documented. all that said, I bet she's pretty vanilla in the sack. no third input or anything freaky like that.
  13. or the engineer who sits in the cubicle over by the mini-mart who always gives me the stink eye when I walk by. or Rush Limbaugh. or the guy who heckles califone. or hitler.
  14. I have no desire to go to a concert w/ her. She's a deadhead and probably does that stupid twirly hippie dance.
  15. Word. I still ain't sick of it. I'd go to a concert w/ Hitler, just to see if he goosestepped instead of dancing and did the sig heil thing instead of raising a lighter in appreciation. and then I would kill him.
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