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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. yeah, that was pretty good. i remember one where the slacker dude became a tour guide.
  2. ditto. again, brothas from anotha motha. or mothra.
  3. you may be right...i hated the dog part so much it may have clouded my memory of the rest of the flick. i'll have to watch it again when it comes on cable.
  4. not just you. i'm excited about the hulk flick, but iron man is still geeking me out more. really, i'm excited about the hulk flick because i'm hoping they get it right...i did not like the ang lee one.
  5. man, i actually recall finding that show pretty funny...i actually call logan 'dipes' every once in a while when runs off while you are trying to change his clothes.
  6. yup. a shame too...i stopped checking around the web for any details on an actual flick a long time ago.
  7. actually, i'm not that nostalgic for it...it was on last night and i bounced between it and real world/road rules challenge. speaking of which...
  8. will she be waxed? i would not count me as a 'maybe'...more like a 'probably not'. i said i'd like to make a better effort to hook up w/ folks before/at/after the wilco shows and will do that next gig they play that isn't in someone's living room.
  9. if ction and pedro were here right now, i'd kiss them both square on the mouth for the crossbows/catapults and dark tower posts.
  10. as awesome as that sounds, magic 8-ball says: 'not likely' as far as my attendance goes. sandbagging 'get out of the house points' for my almuni weekend at EIU later in April. take lots of pics...of the party...or the wax job...both...whatever.
  11. man, i loved that cartoon. great stuff.
  12. I read an interview w/ Norton in some British Sci-Fi magazine the other day and got really excited in the way he talked about everything that went into the development/making of the film...that trailer is the icing on the cake. Again, this is going to great fucking summer at the movies.
  13. not sure, but i'll have one of those mini-heineken kegs in the parking lot for the tailgate! see everybody for buckets of beer at kam's after the show.
  14. oh hells yes. to be clear, if their performance at 2004's hip hop honors is any indication...PE still has game. i'm just not 100% sure it's close enough for 1991 game for me to pay the $ to see...but for someone who hasn't, it could be.
  15. using the same rationale, what's to stop others from breaking the ones you don't feel should be broken?
  16. cool! i'll take off my shirt and wear jeans and a big belt buckle.
  17. Seriously, John Mcain...you do all realise that John Kerry asked him to be his running mate laughs?
  18. holy cripes, there is a whole blog devoted to being A SHRINE TO ALL THINGS BURGER CHEF (RATHER)!
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