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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. you know, there is a whole alternative universe several states away i'm not even aware of. i see things like that and it could have well been a message from mars.
  2. whoa! my place of employment thinks whatever you think is wrong w/ america is wrong for me to look at.
  3. that something i find wrong with this country. and e-coli pizza rolls.
  4. i received this as a gift a year or so ago and have yet to read it...it does look good though.
  5. actually, that track for the two-minute miracles you posted ain't half bad. a couple of nice tracks from the previous albums realtive to what i skimmed through on iTunes. maybe a little too folky in spots, but there are some nice tracks.
  6. Jennifer Connelly's beacj scene in that Don Johnson flick 'The Hot Spot'...NSFW, but absolutely fantastic!
  7. yep. that was on last night too, but i saw that a few years ago. i still think one of the worst ones was the installment w/ tyra and busta. my hope is that the rob zombie deal has recalibrated the franchise to stop any further sullying of it's name...but i'm sure i'm wrong.
  8. finally caught the one Halloween movie i'd never subjected myself to last night...'Curse of Michael Myers'. it's awfulness is a thing of legend in horror movie fandom and said legend proved to be true. i've never seen a movie try so hard to have a complex plotline and make so little sense. eh, it was still fun to watch.
  9. 'Rabid' starring Marilyn Chambers of 'Behind the Green Door' fame.
  10. you know, it's bad form to use your first post to shill for a band or record...w/out posting a cheesecake photo of yourself.
  11. i like that theory, but how is he in the future? i know he can't be killed, but he does age.
  12. the movie as a whole is standard low-budget late-80's horror fare...gore, gratuitous shower scene, flimsy plot. however, there are two scenes in 'Luther the Geek' that have earned it a spot in the Top 10 Slasher Flicks my buddy Kevin and I compiled in 1989: - one genuinely scary-as-hell scene, where you see the killer coming towards the house out of a screen door behind the woman he's about to kill. - the absolutely so-stupid it's-brilliant climatic confrontation between the heroine and killer, where she stops him in his tracks by speaking 'geek' to him (which consists of chicken cluck noi
  13. "and my favorite film is 'blood sucking freaks'...just like your momma."
  14. did she actually print lord alfred out and give it to you?
  15. My point exactly - why or how the hell do billionaires get away with softly finger picking on an acoustic guitar at 11pm without getting a "noise complaint" from the people in my apartment below them?
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