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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. indeed. could you print this out: and give it your husband. tell him it's from tony schivone.
  2. i think that would qualify as 'pretty awesome'.we had hot dogs, fries AND onion rings from photo's. owen ate two whole hot dogs, buns and all. you forgot svenghoulie and alison the wilca.
  3. indeed. if i hosted that favreau show, i'd have dinner w/ the ghost of russ meyer, tinto brass, andy sidaris and a topless leslie easterbrook.
  4. i love my wife, but she's not a big fan of the pizza rolls...so we rarely ever get them. usually super bowl sunday and/or other big sports on TV type things. she's going to a conference for two days next week though...the boys and i may be having pizza rolls and strippers for dinner.
  5. ha! i had to imdb Tinto Brass, but it seems i'd like the cut of his jib...he's like the Russ Meyers of ass.
  6. that's why the two of you are in my 'clique'. i grew up on those totino's pizza rolls. they, simply put, own.
  7. except for the 2-3 minutes of nubile lesbian petting and Piper Perabo going nuts and referring to herself as 'the raptor', it's not. good call. i do see that Jessica Par
  8. yeah...dr. pepper, RC cola and even mountain dew are all pretty good reasons to love america. and 2-for-1 lapdances.
  9. BBQ. i know various asian factions do it too...but nothing beats REAL american BBQ. and nipple tassles.
  10. hey beltman, i was channel surfing last night looking for horror movies and the description of this lured me in to catching this on IFC instead:
  11. the wife puts beer in her homemade pizza crust...it's pretty gosh darn good.
  12. i had absolutely no clue they won until this morning, but congrats to boston and their fans. i totally forgot to even tune in to see if they swept or not. 'the frighteners' was on AMC's monster fest.
  13. Really? Huh. I only use any sort of shave gel if i've gone a week w/out shaving and have a quasi-beard started. I'll tell you what's hardcore on my face...electric razors. Those used to make me break out something fierce.
  14. don't give up...he really is pretty pretentious.
  15. this should be good. in the meantime, that strummer doc by dick rude was really good...highly reccomend and it's avail through netflix.
  16. gilette mach 3 right out of the shower. no shaving cream or sundries.
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