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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  2. penny is snoring in the living room. obviously resting up to go apeshit happy when my mom-in-law gets here.
  4. i got it from netflix several weeks ago and still haven't got a chance to watch it. sometime this week: TRAILER
  5. i dig rush, i just don't dig arrogance and stereotypes. no worries though, i'm not crying myself to sleep next to the girl i roofied while DMB plays on the stereo next to my empty beer bong. NERDS!
  6. i'd eat a live baby for a big pile of money...or at least a petri dish full of embryos. saurion.
  7. it didn't say anything about non-emergency procedures and i understand that said study doesn't equate to the same exact performance in a US scenario...but i do look at it and it raises some concerns. i don't think that's wrong. again, if the quality of my family's healthcare stays the same, we can provide adequate heathcare to everybody w/out affecting that, have a financial structure that can legitimately support it and there are certain requirements people have to meet to take part in it (like, holding a job unless physically/mentally unable)...i have no problems.
  8. really, all of our defense spending equates to absolutely nothing...an illusion. would we be any safer w/out it? when you make absolute statements like that, versus sticking w/ what i agree to be an solid opinion that there is disproportionate amount of military spending that could be better put to use on things like healthcare...you've lost me again.
  9. I'm not saying we should 'screw' anybody...as long as there are certain provisos that can discern between providing coverage to those who are making an effort to work/legitimately cannot work and those who just don't give a fuck AND there is no change to the quality of healthcare for my family and I, cool. The problem is, unless those stats provided earlier are false, it's not just about a little longer wait for your yearly checkup. All of these examples of people who are working their asses off/have legitimate reasons for not being able to work and still don't receive healthcare benefits of
  10. Pretty much. Don't break your wrist from patting yourself on the back.
  11. super. go have another bong hit, 2112. they weren't used in the same sentence and i'm pretty sure that being in a fraternity never hampered my musical intelligence.
  12. as a total old school hip-hop head, i'd never outright bash...because I agree w/ you from the perspective that mainstream hip-hop has lost it's original pulse in a lot of ways. it takes a lot of effort not to retreat into only listening to stuff i know i like from the golden era. that said, hip hop...some of the classics even...haven't always had what i would consider an actual 'message'. actually, it's not even so much the actual lyrical content that turns me off from contemporary mainstream stuff nowadays, but the rehashed, plodding beats/hooks and lazy delivery over the top of them. the m
  13. so it doesn't get lost in one of the threads below... not just a solid hip-hop album...a solid album period.
  14. hell yes. met him at one of our fraternity formals back in the day...he was staying at the same hotel we were. this discussion made me double check and i'm excited to report that the new album by one of the new schoolers i mentioned, ohmega watts, is up on iTunes. i'm also happy to report it looks like a solid 2007 top-tenner. his MC skills, much like on his last release aren't revolutionary, but refreshing nonetheless in subject matter. he does up the ante on his strongsuit...behind the tables/boards. goddamn, the cornucopia of sounds and their orchestration by O into a unified train of mus
  15. with as many labels/bands streaming a lot of releases and/or offering sample tracks to garner buzz prior to it's official street date...to say you don't have as many opportunities to make more educated decisions on what you actually go out and buy is kind of being a touch dramatic. i don't want to see anybody get in trouble and all, but i'm not at all surprised this has happened. to say that there aren't huge numbers of folks abusing file-sharing resources like this seems crazy. several thousand bad apples...
  16. for me, there has only been one MC w/ 'Young' in his name that i could cold rock a party to.
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