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Everything posted by Dude

  1. FYI, if you do what I did, and stupidly click through the order without reading the screens carefully because you are on the phone attempting to "work" at the same time as order the tickets, and order the wrong pair of tickets (balcony instead of GA), Front Gate will nicely give you a refund if you call them and politely explain the situation. I mention this because the official policy is no cancellations or refunds, but they seem to be willing to make exceptions to this. Anyway, picked up two floor tickets for Miami Beach.
  2. Mississippi Delta was shining like a National guitar...
  3. There was downloadable finished (not demo) release on Wilcoworld, I believe it used to reside in the Roadcase section. If you PM me your e-mail address, I'll send it to you. EDIT: SpeedPoster beat me to it.
  4. Dude


    Probably, but I'd wager Cameron knows how to spell environmental.
  5. I think my next guitar will be a Casino. Yes, I think it will be.
  6. I guess I should predict that they'll make a Screamcore Death Metal album about the Vikings.
  7. http://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2009/10/catching-up-with-nels-cline.html Paste Magazine: Do you know what’s coming next? I’d imagine after you finish an album, there’s so much time in between that maybe Jeff has begun writing new songs. Is there any sense of what the next one is going to be like? Nels: I think most of what people tend to predict within the band never happens. I think that sometimes it starts something and then it changes and takes on a life of its own. We’re going to start recording new ideas in January and just start that process and keep it going. I know that there
  8. I like Cousins a lot - it has a nifty video, too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1e0u11rgd9Q
  9. Bodyscanners kck mthrfckng a$$: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZEpfICFkfQ
  10. The Miami Beach show is looking very promising to visit my Grandma, hang with a friend and see some Wheelco.
  11. Yeah, agreed. I love the huge booklets with ridiculously detailed liner notes. Maybe they could rehire the Wilco Book design guys. I wonder how many great alternate versions of songs have yet to be unearthed. Jeff once mentioned a pre-Krautrock Spiders that they recorded before they decided to rework the song, I'd love to hear that.
  12. This is the sort of song they blast at 1800 decibels at those mall stores with the fake storefronts and really horrible, expensive teeshirts with obnoxious slogans on them. I've think I've figured out the purpose of Autotune, now, too - it allows talentless jackasses who can't sing to make really horrible songs like this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ix5z1bRz4Sc
  13. I have no problem watching Blunt preparing for his death, and in fact I cheer this aspect of it on with great relish, do we really need to see the guy stripping down while he's doing it? The mere notion that he's actually performing a strip tease throughout half the video makes me vomit in my mouth a little. It's kind of like the fact that the guys in Top Gun all take group showers after the more intense flights, showers they all seem to get a big thrill out of, while they bust eachother's balls (verbally one assumes) while boasting about who has the longest yoke stick. Is the film merely cr
  14. They allegedly have a new album they are clearing samples for. They must be a copyright lawyer's wet dream. Definitely wanna hear the new Vampire Weekend, but when are they going to give up the preppy fixation? The half popped collar polo shirt is too much.
  15. Totally, I wasn't really a fan of the genre nor of heavy sampling, mashups kind of lose their steam after the novelty of the first thirty seconds wear off, Girl Talk bores me, and Paul's Boutique - I hate to say this - but I haven't listened to it in over five years. But this album is a pure joy to listen to.
  16. I finally bought this and can't stop listening to it. Brilliant.
  17. Al's a legend, not least because of his switch from guitar to Hammond organ during a certain recording session. Also produced Freebird and Sweet Home Alabama and most importantly, wrote a bunch of songs from the Banana Splits TV show. What he has to say about Wilco the song: http://news.bostonherald.com/entertainment/music/general/view.bg?&articleid=1222624&format=&page=1&listingType=musi#articleFull
  18. On his 50th birthday, Michael will grow really long hair and hide his face in it like the good ol' days.
  19. Dude

    nels video

    Dear Nels, I am suing you for damage to certain keys on my keyboard that I drooled on while watching your guitar vid. My lawyers will be in touch with your lawyers shortly. Thanks and have a great day, Dude
  20. Colbie Caillat, Bubbly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWGqoCNbsvM Everything about this song reeks of suckitude, down to the song title, down to the name of the artist. "Colbie Caillat". What, was she born in a coffeehouse? Song has so many groaners, the spoken "Will you count me in?" the first of many. If her boyfriend has a "bubbly face", did he just emerge from a burn unit or something? My personal favorite is that she "gets the tingles in a silly place."
  21. "Twenty ten" makes the most sense. We said "nineteen ninety-nine", we didn't say "one thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine."
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