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Everything posted by Dude

  1. Is this what everyone in Heaven looks like?
  2. Nader seems pretty cool with an Obama presidency here: http://www.votenader.org/media/2008/11/05/congratulations/
  3. What about the people already burning? Do they suddenly start floating up to heaven? And if Hell isn't down in the ground and Heaven isn't up in the clouds, where are these things located, anyway?
  4. Can't remember what street it was on... Adams? There were two African American dudes in it honking their horn and celebrating.
  5. Things like this make me seriously wonder if Nader is secretly on the GOP payroll.
  6. At least they aren't exhuming the bones and performing weird rituals on them, which is kind of what I expected when I saw the title to this thread.
  7. Even one of the poshest sections of DC is not immune to the "White Flight" phenomenon.
  8. True - it's now become politically expedient to blame Bush - even Palin is jumping on the bandwagon: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics/A...ory/764291.html
  9. Just when it couldn't get any lower, Bush's approval ratings have sunk below Nixon's ratings prior to him resigning: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/11/10/bush.transition.poll/
  10. Jeff's brother-in-law Danny Miller discusses Election Night with the Tweedy clan here: http://dannymiller.typepad.com/blog/2008/1...ning-after.html Danny also thinks the chances are good for Wilco playing at the Inauguration, including mentioning that Rahm Emanuel and Barack's sister are also Wilco fans:
  11. Accuse her of adultery and have her stoned to death, Gilbreath.
  12. Whether Obama is fiscally responsible or runs up more deficit spending is another valid question - whether he cuts proposed programs / promises in order to keep the deficit spending low: http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/f...0,3296595.story It's pretty clear to me though that we cannot spend as we do as a country without paying more for it, so either the spending has to come down, the taxes have to increase, or both.
  13. Okay, but if you aren't earning that kind of salary, I'm not sure how Obama's tax increase is affecting you.
  14. That's a valid question to raise, but given the current economic hardships, it doesn't make sense to raise taxes on the middle and lower classes who are already hit hard by the recession. I'm not sure I ever bought the notion that trickle-down economics pumped money directly into the economy given the rise in offshore banking among the upper 5%.
  15. It's very simple to me - 8 years of increased budget spending and increased government expenditures for the wars, homeland security, etc., plus eight years of tax cuts has resulted in a huge debt that somebody has to pay. We can't just blame this on the Republicans, either - certainly the Democrats approved for these wars and programs. But now somebody has to do something about it.
  16. When your country is $10 trillion in debt, isn't in clear why we all have to sacrifice?
  17. It's interesting that a personal income tax increase for a rich person would inspire them to fire employees or hike rents in order to maintain the same high salaries / profit levels. God forbid someone over the $250,000 level pay a little more to help pay for the $10 trillion debt that Bush has racked up fighting two costly wars - wars and a President they supported for two elections.
  18. Really good post, great stories. I really had no intention of stirring anything up by posting that pic and wasn't directing it at anything, I just thought it was nice to see where we were versus where we are today. I think a sign of progress is when race isn't even an issue, and I think that's the core of what you're saying with this election.
  19. As soon as McCain's aides stop leaking info about her, I will lay off and remove the avatar, but I don't see that happening soon as there seems to be quite a story unfolding about her.
  20. That gets back to the whole "his race galvanized the African American vote" though, doesn't it? Because minus that surge in registrations and with a whopping 96% of blacks voting for Obama, I don't think he would have achieved any of that. If you think a white candidate could have excited the African American base the way Obama did, we can once again agree to disagree.
  21. It would be helpful if Palin learns something a third grader in geography class knows - that Africa is not a country - before she resurrects the GOP. In fact, it would be fantastic to see how Palin should fare on that Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader show. If she can't handle that, she probably isn't qualified to be elected to the highest office of the most powerful country on the planet.
  22. I can respect that, without really getting it. I was downtown Chicago when the media analysis election night transpired, and I saw very little of it outside of what was shown on the screen in Grant Park (which was only CNN). What media coverage I have seen hasn't been dominated at all by Obama's race - I've seen / read just as much about whether Obama would be left leaning or a centrist, who he would choose for his cabinet, how he would tackle the many challenges including the economy and two wars, the dangers of one party rule, etc. If there was a flurry of coverage about his race Tuesday nig
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