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Oil Can Boyd

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Everything posted by Oil Can Boyd

  1. They won Game 1 4-0, Game 2 6-3 (on Manny's home run shown in that picture), and Game 3 9-1. And while I don't have a problem with that particular celebration I do think it was the start of Manny's both-arms-raised celebration for even routine home runs.
  2. And IIRC, that particular picture is of a game winning, walk-off home run he hit against the Angels in Game 2 of the 2007 ALDS.
  3. "In stores and on the nets June 30, at the latest. "
  4. I'll admit I don't follow this the way I used to but how is there a JGB without JG? Who is in the band? Do they play the same songs the Garcia Band used to play only with different guitar players/singers?
  5. The Brooklyn Bridge is one of my favorite things in New York. When I lived in Brooklyn (a long time ago) I used to walk over the bridge regularly.
  6. That's a great book. The Ken Burns documentary about it is pretty good too.
  7. One of the dumbest moves the Red Sox ever made was trading Moyer to Seattle for Darren Bragg.
  8. Mark Spencer played guitar in Blood Oranges, but the band was led by a guy named Jimmy Ryan who mostly played mandolin. I don't know what their albums are like but I saw them a bunch around Boston in the early 1990s and they were great live.
  9. Ditto Ditto Ditto Even though I had Murmur and at the end of the day probably like Murmur more than Reckoning, it was Reckoning that really sucked me in. I used to listen to Harborcoat about 50 times a day.
  10. My 14-year old son was laughing hysterically at the opening bit with Kevin and the chili. It was pretty well done.
  11. I was never the biggest Boston fan, even as a kid when their songs were everywhere. But the infighting between past and current band members has just stepped up a notch based on the message Tom Scholz posted on the Boston website yesterday. BOSTON shows, myths, and truths by Tom Scholz In spite of recent misleading ads claiming BOSTON appearances and even reunions of original members, BOSTON is not touring or performing this year. While we're off this summer, several of our members are involved with other projects that are worth catching if you can: Kimberley Dahme is releasi
  12. The 1973 Mets might argue they used it first ...
  13. This is about to be re-released on Nonesuch and they are touring. I'm excited to see them.
  14. And remember how Jon Lester was going to be really good again? He's having another tough night.
  15. Robert Hunter, in his book Box of Rain, notes that "This song was dropped from the Grateful Dead repertoire at the request of fans. Seriously."
  16. As was Day Job in the early to mid 80s ...
  17. I suppose you don't know me but I've been listening to Sonic Youth since Evol and I prefer Rather Ripped to Sonic Nurse.
  18. I think you should get most of their records ...
  19. This is sort of embarassing. I was just in a record store and it was playing and sounded great. I went up to the front desk to see what it was and it turns out that I already own it but just haven't listened to it all that much.
  20. I was in Colonial Williamsburg last week. I assumed I would see hipsters in tri-cornered trucker hats riding their fixie carriages around. Needless to say, I was disappointed.
  21. Love the movie but never read the book.
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