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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Great point. The same goes for me.
  2. Exactly. I'm not worried. Although, I try not to think of things in too much detail. I figure everything will reveal itself to me over the course of the final season and a half, and to just sit back and enjoy it.
  3. I'll bite. I've been coming here regularly for almost 5 years, although I've only really posted anything for 2 of them. I can't even remember why I joined in the first place other than a love for Wilco and perhaps to download some live shows on the now-defunct tracker. I only visit two boards, this and a Texas Longhorns blog with a pretty active community. Both appeal to me because the average user seems to be of high intelligence who dispenses sage opinions and/or advice in well-thought-out arguments. (By the way, the Texas blog seems to be populated by a lot of lawyers who are able to
  4. I agree. But then again, if those feelings helped him write a great song, I don't really give a shit what he was feeling or how legitimate I think those feelings are. The only thing that matters is the quality of the music. Hell, he could write an album celebrating McDonald's and Wal-Mart, and as long as the music and the songs were great, it wouldn't bother me at all.
  5. What happened???? I'm trying to avoid political threads!
  6. Yeah, why anyone would voluntarily subject themselves to going to Norman, OK is beyond me. Who cares?
  7. The only example I can think of right now is Pearl Jam, which I think could be seen as a retreat to basics or to reestablish themselves after the relative failures of Binaural and Riot Act. Actually, I get more annoyed at just naming an album after a song than a self-titled album.
  8. Is it just the self-referential lyrics, though? Because I don't think I would classify it as a big, dumb rocker musically. Aaah...it doesn't matter...I'm just grumpy today.
  9. Hmmm...they haven't had a self-titled album yet...
  10. Great as in I really enjoy listening to it great. Then again, I've listened to it only a few times and I wasn't concentrating on where it would fit in my top 100 Wilco songs. I'm also not sure how one person's opinion on the relative "standout-ness" of one song that we might not have even heard the final version of means anything in terms of what to expect from this album. Plus, I could give two shits where it would rank on your list. The only list that matters is mine.
  11. I like Best Album Yet. And I think "Wilco, the Song" is a great song, so it probably is a standout track. Sheesh.
  12. Yes. Not necessarily. A great album. A great album. No. Actually no, that last rhetorical question I disagree with, mainly because I think Wilco are still in a creative peak. I don't think they've plateaued to the point where a decent or solid album is all we can expect, like Pearl Jam or U2 or R.E.M. Granted, I'm not your intended audience with this post since every little snippet of new album news is met with the excitement of a 13-year-old girl. But as someone who was ultimately disappointed with Sky Blue Sky, I just think they have more in them than that record revealed. And that do
  13. It would really surprise me if they put it on vinyl. It does seem like a waste. Especially since the whole album will easily fit on one LP.
  14. Well it's only getting worse out there. So F Obama and the horse he rode in on. I'm tired of reading this drivel. I'll stick to the Wilco, music, and football threads.
  15. Any of the 4 between Beggars Banquet and Exile on Main St. is a good choice, but I find myself wanting to listen to Sticky Fingers the most.
  16. This may sound a bit hyperbolic, but this album is f'ing amazing. There are twists and turns throughout this album that just keep impressing me with each listen. And there isn't a wasted second. I don't think I've seen a lot of love for "Prison Girls," but that song is incredible. This has just hit the sweet spot for me and it holds the promise of revealing even more with future listens. It's official, Neko Case can do no wrong.
  17. One of the things that has really stood out to me with the new album is how much better "Get On Your Boots" sounds within the context of the album as opposed to a stand-alone single. I think there was a link for the video on the front page of Pitchfork.
  18. I agree. Say what you will about Bono, his lyrics, his sermons, etc. He's an amazing front man.
  19. Even Paul, for the most part, only plays the songs he wrote.
  20. I guess the same argument is sometimes made about "I'm a Wheel." Another song I like. How can there not be a place for something like that?
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