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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. It hasn't come on yet, but the late night NBC coverage is supposed to have all of this.
  2. Sounds good...I should be ready for a nap right around that time.
  3. I've never seen a Wilco crowd treat an opening act poorly. They just won't show up.
  4. Is it too much to ask for Wilco to have a good, young, energetic, up-and-coming band open for them? Or will they continue to insist on snoozefests to get the crowd ready?
  5. I'm not a huge soccer fan, but I'll check out Gold Medal matches or World Cup Finals if the U.S. is involved. I enjoy women's and men's soccer equally. If there is one team sport that is unbearable to watch the women play, it's basketball.
  6. When did releasing tax returns become a big deal for candidates? And why?
  7. Exactly. I don't know how can you see all these songs live and not notice the stark differences.
  8. I'm not trying to sway anyone to my way of thinking...it's just that to my ears, it has been a noticeable decline. YHF is my favorite album of all-time and AGIB is in my all-time top ten, so I don't expect Wilco to attain such lofty heights on all of their albums. But I found myself making excuses and apologizing to people for SBS and WTA. I tried so hard to like these albums and I finally had to just be honest with myself. They're not good. (insert all caveats about subjectivity here) The main problem is the songwriting. It's so much poorer on these two albums than anything that came
  9. I just don't understand this new generation of Wilco fans.
  10. It happens. It's not a slight. Hell, I wish I could be "formerly great" at something. I disagree with you slightly on the comparative merits of the last three albums (for example, I like TWL better than the other two), but overall they are nowhere near the quality of the previous albums. I still look forward to future albums from Wilco because I know they are capable of putting together something special, and most declining bands hit on that last moment of greatness. They haven't done that yet, though.
  11. It happens to 99% of bands. They hit their peak over a span of a few years and then slowly decline. That's just the way it is.
  12. I think the period starting with Being There all the way through A Ghost is Born.
  13. We're merely comparing lesser works of a formerly great artist. I'll go with The Whole Love. Sky Blue Sky's second half is just too abysmal.
  14. I've really been looking forward to the Divine Fits album.
  15. I can live with two low-level prospects for Ryan Dempster. But I'm still skeptical of the Rangers' chances to make the postseason this year.
  16. If you're really interested, I would imagine his website has all of his substantive ideas. I'm not sure why you would rely solely on campaign ads for the kind of information you seek.
  17. I never said that. Both sides have their methods of manipulating the minds of voters. In fact, the Right is far better at it. "Class warfare" just happens to be the well that the Left goes to the most.
  18. I think people get defensive about it because they're constantly being placed in a bad light...that they don't do their "fair share," etc. One thing the Left has always been effective at is developing this dividing line between social classes and creating disdain and hatred among the poor and middle class.
  19. He wasn't addressing the removal of the statue, but I'm not sure anyone really disagrees with that move. The point is that the NCAA should not even be involved with applying punishment in this case. It's not an issue concerning athletics. But it does give the NCAA the opportunity to make a splashy move. So, now with this unprecedented action in place, how will the NCAA act towards other morally repugnant actions involving people tied to an athletics program? Is the NCAA judge and jury for everything now, much like a commissioner? Can they invoke any bylaw they want by finessing the langu
  20. I'll go to SI.com's Stewart Mandel again:
  21. Now that we're a bit removed from the newness of The Whole Love...I'll probably do a Wilco catalog listen to refresh my thinking of each album. I don't anticipate SBS or WTA to hold up very well, but there's always room for surprises.
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