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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Not really feeling this album aside from the opening track. And Kot is right about "Blue."
  2. It's good to see that VC can generate 2-3 pages of discussion around the use of quotation marks.
  3. I absolutely loved The Loon. I agree that the second one was a bit of a mess, but I found a few good things to like about it. This one just seemed tuneless, although I did really like "Freak Out." It sounded like they were trying to incorporate too much Vampire Weekend into their sound on a lot of songs (that perception isn't helped any by the similar cover). Don't worry, though, I'll give it a few more listens, but that first one was a struggle.
  4. Finally getting around to listening to this. Wow does it really suck. One of the worst albums I've listened to in a long time. What happened to these guys?
  5. The award is for Best Makeup. Not "Best Movie That Had Some Good Makeup In It." Not sure why that bothers you so much.
  6. They weren't great. But they weren't horrible either. They kept the show moving pretty well. The opening montage scene was well done. They had a few funny moments. Then again, I don't need a lot out of an Oscar host anyway. The biggest buzzkill of the night, though, came when Tom Hooper won Best Director. He did have a nice speech, though.
  7. What about director? I'm surprised you like Inception so much. Thought it was good, but ultimately disposable.
  8. I think you are way off-base regarding The Kids Are All Right. Mainly because you seem to be so fixated on the characters' sexuality. Which misses the entire point. It's a family drama. It makes complete sense that Julianne Moore's character would be attracted to Ruffalo's. They share so many personality traits. And it's obvious that at the point the movie is taking place (thanks in large part to the out-of-sync sex scene you don't like), the marriage is in that mid-life crisis zone.
  9. You're telling me there are awards shows that aren't political? Nobody is saying this has to be the be-all-end-all arbiter of great movies, it's just a fun show for people who love movies. And most of the movies and performances up for awards are well worth recognizing. I disagree with you on The Kids Are All Right and Toy Story 3...both great films. Haven't seen 127 Hours yet.
  10. Who's watching tonight? I'm especially looking forward to the show this year, because I'm anxious to see James Franco and Anne Hathaway as hosts. Plus, I think the nominees are pretty strong this year. My picks (who I want to win): Best Picture: The Social Network Best Actor: Jesse Eisenberg Best Actress: Natalie Portman Best Supporting Actor: Christian Bale Best Supporting Actress: Melissa Leo Best Director: Darren Aronofsky Best Cinematography: True Grit Best Original Screenplay: The King's Speech Best Adapted Screenplay: The Social Network Best Score: The Social Network Best Editing:
  11. Well, I'm using muscle to mean something interesting musically. "Used to Be a Cop" isn't bad.
  12. Mercy Buckets is the only song with any muscle behind it. The rest of the album is fairly listless. And Shonna has certainly taken a step back. I thought she improved greatly on The Big To-Do. Her songs on Go-Go Boots are as bad as BTCD.
  13. OK Computer Kid A The King of Limbs The Bends In Rainbows Amnesiac Hail to the Thief Pablo Honey
  14. Yeah, I definitely seem to be on the opposite ends of the spectrum with those two albums compared to most people here. Oh well.
  15. Finally got through the whole album. Thank goodness, too, because Mercy Buckets is the only good song on here.
  16. I liked it initially. But after repeated listens over the last few days, I'm ready to say that it's a near-masterpiece. I can't get enough of it.
  17. Yeah, I definitely hear some similarities.
  18. I think Little By Little is great. First two songs were really good. Liking it a lot so far.
  19. The Rudy's in Leon Springs is still the best one, so if you're in San Antonio, I would check that one out. Otherwise, the consistency at the other locations is a bit spotty.
  20. Neon Bible is still my favorite Arcade Fire album.
  21. Aren't they just filing for bankruptcy? Not closing down completely.
  22. Just finished this. I thought it was fascinating. Excellent book.
  23. I love Michael Young. But he has not fielded his position decently at all. There still is a place for him. Always has been as a DH and utility player at every infield position. So what if the Rangers contemplated moving him. I would hope any team would look to make itself better if the opportunity was there.
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