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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Digging this. Reminds me of Talking Heads in some places.
  2. I'm with you on Together, but I'm shocked to hear you say that about Twin Cinema. It's my favorite of theirs by a long shot, and one of my favorites of the decade. With my favorite song of the decade, "The Bleeding Heart Show." Oh well. Can't agree on everything.
  3. Windfall is one of my favorite songs of all-time. Period.
  4. Here's my submitted list. Hopefully, it got in just under the wire. 1. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot – Wilco 2. Odelay – Beck 3. London Calling – The Clash 4. OK Computer – Radiohead 5. Revolver – The Beatles 6. The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust & the Spiders from Mars – David Bowie 7. Pet Sounds – The Beach Boys 8. A Ghost is Born – Wilco 9. The Beatles – The Beatles 10. Everything You Thought Was Right Was Wrong Today – Slobberbone 11. Separation Sunday – The Hold Steady 12. Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space – Spiritualized 13. Alligator – The National 14. The Velvet Underground
  5. Wasted Hours is one of my favorites on the album. It's the only song that keeps from skipping from Suburban War all the way to Sprawl II.
  6. Damn...Rococo was pretty impressive live.
  7. It's great! I'm surprised I've never heard of them before that thread.
  8. Did anyone else see that concept of a train in China that travels over existing roads and the cars on them. Pretty cool.
  9. So, in your mind, a singer's voice has more bearing on maturity and meaning than the actual lyrics that the singer has written? Interesting.
  10. It will also be interesting to see what happens if the league expands to 18 games. That's a raise of two game checks for each player that I'm sure the owners would rather not pay in full.
  11. I actually find Arcade Fire to be more joyless-sounding than The National by far. But I like both bands, so it really becomes nitpicky for me at some point. I also don't think you give The National enough credit for their "different musical and lyrical textures and areas," but whatever.
  12. There's a turf war between fans? I only compared it to High Violet as two high-profile albums to come out this year. But since you brought it up, I strongly prefer The National and Berninger's vocals. Plus their lyrics and songwriting as a whole is definitely better. At least I relate a whole lot more to what Berninger is writing about, as opposed to the same preachiness from Butler over and over again.
  13. Those are both great! Do they have a full-length album out? All I can find is an EP.
  14. I can't even remember them all because I read a bunch in a row off of Metacritic, but almost all of them have mentioned something negative about Neon Bible in contrast to this album.
  15. The funniest thing about the reviews of The Suburbs is how they all mention how bad Neon Bible was. The praise for that album was off the charts at the time, getting an 87 on Metacritic (The Suburbs sits at an 85 with a little less than half the amount of reviews). I'm trying to figure out what that means. Are they downgrading Neon Bible to make The Suburbs look better? Did Neon Bible just not age well? Do they just have amnesia? I guess it stands out to me because I happen to be one of the few who prefers Neon Bible to the other two albums.
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