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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Well...is it as bad as everyone says?
  2. Grace is a great song. One of their best of the past decade.
  3. Based on what I've read from people who have merely listened to parts of the 30-second clips, I am ready to declare this album a complete bust. It's good to know I don't have to bother listening to it now.
  4. I understand that. I just think that the many examples offered up in this thread merely degrades the term. It's like the word "genius." That descriptor has been used in so many different ways and for so many different people, that I wonder if anyone really knows what it truly means anymore. There should be a clear difference between flawless and great. I haven't even been able to come up with an album I would consider flawless, yet. But if I see a list of 10 "flawless" albums, it doesn't mean much to me. Of course, we are.
  5. I agree. I think the term "flawless" has been used a little too liberally in this thread.
  6. Maddon also said how most players don't wear a cup. I assume that just means outfielders. Right?
  7. That's what shocked me. I don't play softball without a cup.
  8. I was wondering if that was a code word for too country-ish. But I was pretty confused by that statement, too. And I can't say I really blame any publication for mentioning Wilco in any review of Jay Bennett's. For one, that is who he is best associated with, and two, a Wilco reference might grab readers who may otherwise not know anything about him.
  9. I've used my front right pocket ever since high school, when my doctor told me that sitting on my wallet was a possible source of back pain. I keep it thin, so it never bothers me, even in jeans. I don't use my back pockets for anything.
  10. Sorry to hear about that. Definitely glad the cats were safe and sound. By the way, I originally read this sentence: as "My neighbors had been sparking in my entrance...." I thought to myself, "who lights up a joint right by a breaker panel?"
  11. I would have used the example of a cornerback tackling a receiver about to blow by him on a route, but I had already used that one before. Matt (the Z) hit on the same things I was thinking.
  12. I'm not a big fan of basketball, either. Baseball is probably the best officiated sport in the world. And "leaning in" to a pitch is nowhere near the shenanigans that take place on a soccer field. And I'm talking about the specific discussion talking about how the one player should be banned for life and the rule should be changed to allow a goal, etc. It's nothing more than a tackle taking down a defensive end who has gotten past him to avoid giving up a sack. A hand ball is against the rules just like holding is, but there are established consequences, which were enforced in this insta
  13. The only thing the World Cup has done this year is reaffirm my belief that soccer is a silly sport. From the horrendous officiating to the ridiculous dives to try to draw yellow cards to the discussion about the end of the Uruguay-Ghana game. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
  14. I assume that's a standard penalty. Either way, the guy is a national hero.
  15. I didn't watch it. Only read about it. But it seems like an incredibly smart play to keep the ball out of the goal. Similar to a DB taking down a receiver when he's about to blow by him on a route. Live to fight another play.
  16. Any Toadies fans here? They plan on releasing their original follow-up to Rubberneck that was shelved by their label at the time.
  17. Tell me about it. I think Salty finally re-learned how to throw the ball back to the pitcher, but he's only hitting .250 in OKC. And Teagarden is in Double-A right now, I think.
  18. That's a shame. Revolver is definitely one of the few albums that can be called flawless.
  19. Going start to finish on this one. Nearing the end of season two, which is pretty unimpeachable (except for one episode).
  20. And Rule 6.10 allows for a designated hitter. So what?
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