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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. I would also like to add that Empty Room and City With No Children are f'n great songs.
  2. I think music and movies are largely social activities. You watch or listen and then discuss amongst your friends or other like-minded people. That's a large part of the enjoyment--sharing that experience with others.
  3. Just a natural tendency to push back against, in my view, unjustified praise. It doesn't mean I would like the album less. I would just be more apt to talk poorly about it when I encounter someone saying how great it is.
  4. All without any extra money to work with. I'm just hoping Cliff Lee signs u2roolz as his agent, so the Rangers can get a discount to try to sign him.
  5. I'll take Spoon over Arcade Fire any day of the week. My disappointment with The Suburbs keeps growing, especially as more of this rapturous praise comes out. This doesn't even come close to what The National did this year with High Violet.
  6. Sorry...I was agreeing with you, meaning what am I missing from this album.
  7. That would mean it would get a 9.8 or higher. What am I missing here?
  8. Eh. He fills a need and Texas didn't give up anything of value.
  9. How is that? I've almost pulled the trigger on it on emusic a couple of times.
  10. Why did the Phillies trade him? Money?
  11. I'm not sure how that is Sheets's fault, or how that makes him greedy.
  12. I like it, but I don't really hear Neko either. Of course, I happen to think Neko is peerless, so that might be influencing me.
  13. What? Sheets should have turned down an offer from a team because he might have gotten injured again? And because he didn't, he's greedy? Oakland had all the facts leading up to their decision and chose to take the risk, because it could have been worth it. That's what contracts are. I've now gone from being confused to utterly fascinated by this thread. And can the Rangers please score some runs tonight?
  14. Same here. Although, the extended deadline does help a little. Thanks.
  15. No, I mean from the actual story. Not a second- or third-hand source interpreting the original story.
  16. I also don't know where the term "acceptable" came into play. It's not anywhere in the article. All he said was that he would likely play if the Tigers offered him a deal, otherwise he would only want to go west. And he's merely thinking about retirement as an option. Shady and dishonest? I don't really follow your logic.
  17. I'd like to see if I could live off of $40 million. Sounds to me like he just clearly knows what he wants with his next deal. Staying with an organization he's comfortable with or landing somewhere closer to his home. Why wouldn't retirement be an option at that point if he can't get either of those things? I don't see where the ultimatum is in that statement. What, a GM that might not want him is going to see that and think to himself, "Well, we better offer Bonderman a deal in order to keep him in baseball"?
  18. I need a lot more time with this album.
  19. I just came on to say how exciting Rangers baseball is this year. Beat me to it, Crow.
  20. I'll take The Beach Boys over Bob Dylan any day.
  21. They're too big. I only like things that no one has heard of, regardless of quality.
  22. Damn. Where are y'all finding it? Oh well, I can wait, I guess.
  23. Great. I suppose I'll have to listen to it now.
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