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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Yeah, all forms of litter really rile me up, too. It isn't that hard to find a trash can. And it's not that painful to keep something in your car until you get to your destination where you can properly dispose of it.
  2. We might be married to the same woman. Does she also leave the used butter knife just sitting on the counter?
  3. I saw that on the other thread. Seems kind of odd, but I'll just tell him I didn't like it.
  4. Finally got around to this. Works better on paper. Not impressed.
  5. I know it's just one bad performance...but I think we'll be seeing Neftali Feliz closing here sooner rather than later.
  6. The worst thing about opening day (at least in a place like Texas) is that they have to schedule an off-day on Tuesday to protect the gate. I'm ready for some baseball, dammit, especially after Monday's late-inning heroics. Thank God Wednesday is here. Just a few more hours to go until Game 2.
  7. It's just you. NP: Really enjoying this so far.
  8. Yeah, Kevin Kolb is clearly their starter now. They'll probably even draft one this year with one of their many picks.
  9. I think anyone can tell the difference between being purposely spit on and accidentally catching some spittle from someone yelling nearby. And his overreaction reminds me of Kramer and Newman in The Boyfriend episode (the magic loogie).
  10. And to think that it wasn't even 1/4 as long as most of the stuff he posts here.
  11. Huh? Talk about finding things that are not fucking real. Of course, far be it from you to misread something to fit whatever opinion you have already formed. Besides, that wasn't even the main point of the article. Plus, is he just an asshole because of his views on immigration?
  12. Listening now. Shadow People is a pretty good song.
  13. In a way, sure. Because we're talking about elementary-level aspects of grammar (proper use of apostrophes, their/there/they're, your/you're, making words plural, etc.). It's either lack of intelligence or carelessness. Either way, I think it reflects poorly. I teach my daughter to say please and thank you, chew with her mouth closed, and treat animals with kindness. I also repeat things she says to me using proper pronunciation and grammar so she can repeat it back. I think all of those things are equally important as far as life and social skills go.
  14. So you try to make grammatical mistakes on purpose?
  15. I almost came back to edit my post saying that Paul didn't sneeze on my neck, or that I held my breath. Beat me to it.
  16. I always bristle at remarks like these. Is it that difficult? Nobody is grading you on anything here, but I just don't get why people don't pay attention to those things. For instance, it drives me nuts to walk down the halls of my daughter's daycare facility (a church) and see all the misplaced apostrophes. How hard is it? And why don't people care more about these things?
  17. I couldn't even decipher that one. I assume it should be "you're a teacher"?
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