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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. I agree with you when it comes to every other band. But I feel I have such a vested interest in Wilco (my fault, I know) that something that appears that wrongheaded to me causes me to take more notice than usual.
  2. The CMG reviewer wants to use "You and I" as a microcosm for everything he or she feels is wrong with Wilco. But if I had to pick one song from the new album that doesn't sound like the rest, that would be it. So how can you go on a diatribe against the current sound of a band based on one song. And who the hell is Chet and why should I care what he thinks? Would I know this if I read that site frequently? And for the record, I like "You and I." Especially coming right after "Bull Black Nova." Plus there are plenty of songs in Wilco's past that have the same feel as "You and I," eithe
  3. After only a few listens, I definitely like it, but it has the feel of an album that is a lot easier to respect than to love. If that makes sense.
  4. I admire your willpower, although I think it would be easier to abstain from hot dogs than the new album.
  5. If the factory had already closed, then wouldn't the re-opening of the factory create jobs that had been lost? I just don't see how you can legitimately make a claim about a saved job or that a specific program saved a job. There are many factors. It just seems like an empty piece of rhetoric and one that can be easily manipulated.
  6. The funniest Obama joke I have heard is when he always brags about the number of jobs he has "saved or created." I would like to know how you count a "saved" job. It makes me laugh.
  7. Me too. Plus some topics appear as if there has been a new post, but when I go to it, there isn't anything new. Very frustrating.
  8. It's definitely a grower, although "Dory" and "While You Wait for the Others" were the two tracks that hit me right away. Go figure.
  9. No, it was the little orange button (first unread post). I think it was a cookies issue. Thanks. Although, I'm going to have to adjust everything when I get home from work. Strange that the new version would affect things like that.
  10. I almost read it as being neither pro- nor anti-war. The narrator of the song seems to be pretty ambivalent about the whole thing. Although, I do think it paints the person he is "replacing" in a fairly negative light, as someone who advances the notion of war but would never do the fighting himself. I think the religious imagery emphasizes the inherent contradiction of using religion as an excuse for war. Or something like that.
  11. Something else I have been noticing: For some reason, topics I've read over and over again keep appearing as if I have never read them. Going to the last unread post takes me to the first one. Is this a cookies issue? I never had this problem until the switch today.
  12. I can see avatars. I'm on Firefox 3. I would assume it has more to do with each person's browser.
  13. That's right. I knew there was something else to it.
  14. At the bottom left of each page is a link to go "Back to top." Does that do the same thing as previously. I don't know because I never really used that feature.
  15. One small gripe would be the fact that non-updated topics only have the folder icon faded out rather than the whole thing. Although, now I'm wondering if I am remembering that correctly. Anyway, with the bigger and bolder look, it is harder to tell what has new posts. And I'll echo the lack of separation for pinned topics.
  16. The switchover seems to have reset everything. Once you get in a topic, that feature still works properly.
  17. You can vote for your own posts? That doesn't seem right.
  18. Vacation. The site looks good. Everything just seems bigger.
  19. Grizzly Bear's new one is the deal for today at $3.99
  20. That would be my guess. Plus, I think the majority of people aren't as proficient in finding copies of the album. Making the stream sporadic builds up anticipation for an album that is already out there.
  21. I had figured that the new songs would get slowly introduced when they were in Spain and that the start of the tour here would be to formally introduce most of the new material, so to speak. Of course, this could all be wishful thinking, since I'm going to the OKC show in the middle of June and I really want to hear a lot of new stuff. Thanks for all the reports of these Spain shows.
  22. No, I would say that title goes to Please Be Patient through Leave Me on Sky Blue Sky. And it's not even close, unfortunately.
  23. Very sad news, indeed. R.I.P. Jay.
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